


セッション記号 S (固体地球科学) » S-SS 地震学

[S-SS29] 断層のレオロジーと地震の発生過程

2015年5月24日(日) 18:15 〜 19:30 コンベンションホール (2F)

コンビーナ:*谷川 亘(独立行政法人海洋研究開発機構高知コア研究所)、飯沼 卓史(東北大学災害科学国際研究所)、三井 雄太(静岡大学大学院理学研究科地球科学専攻)、向吉 秀樹(島根大学大学院総合理工学研究科地球資源環境学領域)

18:15 〜 19:30

[SSS29-P05] 岩石磁気から見た断層ガウジ中の波状褶曲構造と地震時の摩擦強度減少

*福沢 友彦1中村 教博1 (1.東北大学大学院理学研究科)

An earthquake can occur only if friction decreases rapidly as slip proceeds and the shear stress on its fault planes surpasses the frictional strength of faults, indicating frictional coefficients significantly decrease (0.7➞0.1) in proportion to a displacement. High-velocity friction experiments have proposed thermal pressurization and fluidization as weakening mechanism of a frictional strength of faults, but few geological traces for this mechanism are left behind in a natural fault zone. Asymmetric folding and fluttering structures have been found in a natural fault zone, such as in Nojima active fault and in in Kodiak accretionary prism. In Nojima fault gouge, it is well known that there are billow-like wavy folds along slip planes, being similar to the pattern of Kelvin Helmholtz (KH)-instability which normally occurs in fluid. This instability generates at the interface between two fluids of different densities shearing at different velocities (Thorpe, 2005). Therefore, the presence of billow-like wavy folds in Nojima fault gouge suggests the fluidization of gauge materials. If a temperature range for the generation of such billow-like folds could be determined, one can give a constraint to the weakening mechanism of frictional strength of faults. Here I show rock magnetic studies to prove the temperature rise in the generation of billow-like folds in cohesive blackish gouges, using a custom-made scanning magneto-impedance magnetic microscope. The results showed the billow-like folds and the sharp slip zones experienced at least a 375℃ heating during its formation from the incohesive grayish gouges, because of the magnetite formation through thermal decomposition of siderite in the grayish gouge. The upper limit of temperature rises can be constrained as at maximum 800℃ by the preservation of microfold textures because high viscosity fluid, such as melt, can’t generate a shear flow forming KH-instability. Based on these results, these two zones had been experienced a frictional heating (375℃〜800℃). From the temperature condition and the one-dimensional diffusion model, I estimated the frictional coefficient of a fault zone in Nojima fault gouge is approached to be 0.02〜0.04 during coseismic slip. These results indicate that thermal pressurization-induced fluidization occurred in the fault slip.