18:15 〜 19:30
[PPS04-P03] ICSWSE/ MAGDAS Projectに於ける国際宇宙天気キャパシティ・ビルディング
ISWI stands for International Space Weather Initiative. It is a global scientific effort to advance space weather research by involving developing nations. Space weather research requires data from ground-based observation from all over the world. This requires the cooperation of developing nations. To enable this, developed nations must support education efforts in developing nations -- this is International Capacity Building. ISWI makes use of existing ground-based arrays. One such array is MAGDAS, which has 72 magnetometers installed all over the world. The MAGDAS Project is managed by ICSWSE of Kyushu University. The contributions of MAGDAS to ISWI are outlined in this talk. It is the hope of ICSWSE that the members of AOSWA and other researchers of Asia will join the International Space Weather Initiative, which was initially established by the United Nations.