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  • > Sun. May 24, 2015
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    Symbol G (General (Education and Outreach)) » General (Education and Outreach)

    [G-04] Geoscience education for 1st-12th graders

    Sun. May 24, 2015 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM 102B (1F)

    Convener:*Masatsune Hatakeyama(Seiko Gakuin High School), Chair:Masatsune Hatakeyama(Seiko Gakuin High School)

    11:00 AM - 11:15 AM

    [G04-06] Consideration of earth and planetary sciences education at secondary schools in Japan through employment examination

    *Hiroo NEMOTO1, Satoshi MIYAJIMA2, Masatsune HATAKEYAMA3 (1.Division of Natural Sci., J. F. Oberlin Univ., 2.Fukayadai'ichi Upper Secondary Sch., 3.Seikou Gakuin Secondary Sch.)

    Keywords:Civil Service Employment Examination, Levels of secondary school graduation, Natural Science, "CHIGAKU-KISO (Basic Earth Science)", "CHIGAKU (Earth Science)"

    Some students who are/were first "CHIGAKU-KISO (Basic Earth Science)" and/or "CHIGAKU (Earth Science)" learners at upper secondary schools in Japan took the 2015 fiscal year employment examinations for civil servants on 2014 school year. These kinds of examinations normally have covered huge range of many subjects such as "RIKA (Natural Science)" including physics, chemistry, biology, and earth science. We, therefore, need to analyze the contents of earth science questions in these examinations. This is because these questions may impact classes of "CHIGAKU-KISO (Basic Earth Science)", "CHIGAKU (Earth Science)", and other subjects at upper secondary schools in Japan.
    According to former analyses of these examinations, scientifically incorrect questions have sometimes appeared now and then in these questions. Education of "CHIGAKU-KISO (Basic Earth Science)" and "CHIGAKU (Earth Science)" at upper secondary schools in Japan may receive a harmful influence from these incorrect questions. In this presentation, we will report our interpretation of the influence on school education through the analyses of these examinations.

    Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2015