


セッション記号 M (領域外・複数領域) » M-IS ジョイント

[M-IS34] 古気候・古海洋変動

2015年5月27日(水) 18:15 〜 19:30 コンベンションホール (2F)

コンビーナ:*山田 和芳(静岡県 文化・観光部 文化学術局 ふじのくに地球環境史ミュージアム整備課)、池原 実(高知大学海洋コア総合研究センター)、入野 智久(北海道大学 大学院地球環境科学研究院)、岡 顕(東京大学大気海洋研究所)、岡崎 裕典(九州大学大学院理学研究院地球惑星科学部門)、北場 育子(立命館大学古気候学研究センター)、北村 晃寿(静岡大学理学部地球科学教室)、佐野 雅規(総合地球環境学研究所)、中川 毅(立命館大学)、林田 明(同志社大学理工学部環境システム学科)

18:15 〜 19:30

[MIS34-P08] 京都盆地KD-1/KD-2ボーリングコアの海成粘土層の再検討

*石川 尚人1竹村 恵二2 (1.京大・人環、2.京大・理・地球熱学研究施設)

キーワード:京都盆地, 海成粘土層, 大阪層群

Research programs including seismic reflection surveys and deep drillings were carried out at the Kyoto Basin between 1998 and 2002 for clarifying underground structure of the basin. Deep drilling cores taken at three sites, KD-0 in the southern part of the basin (Ogura-ike), KD-1 in the central part (Hokotate Park south of JR Kyoto station) and KD-2 in the northern part (Nijo-jo Castle), were composed of thick strata of the Osaka Group and Pleistocene terrace deposits. Marine clay beds, the key beds in the Osaka Group, were identified at five horizons in KD-0 and KD-1 cores (Ma3, Ma4, Ma5, Ma6 and Ma9 beds) and three in KD-1 core (Ma5, Ma6 and Ma9 beds) according to the color of sediments, results of fossil and pollen analyses and stratigraphic correlations of volcanic ash layers (Kyoto City, 2003). Kitani and Kamo (2010) reconsidered the stratigraphy of KD-0 core, and identified 13 marine clay beds in the Osaka Group (Ma0, Ma0.5, Ma1, Ma1.3, Ma2, Ma3, Ma4, Ma5, Ma6, Ma7, Ma8, Ma9 and Ma10 beds) and one marine clay bed in terrace deposits (Ma12 bed).
In order to reconsider the existence of marine clay beds in KD-1 and KD-2 cores, we performed measurements of electric conductivity (EC) and pH of stirred clayey sediments in water on 15 mud layers in KD-1 core and 14 layers in KD-2 core based on the method of Yokoyama and Sato (1987). In KD-1 core, samples of marine clay beds identified in Kyoto City (2003) showed high EC and low pH values, and were regarded as marine sediments based on the criteria of Yokoyama and Sato (1987). A mud layer above Ma9 bed was also found to show high EC and low pH values, and marine diatom fossils were found in the mud sample by smear slide observations. The layer may be correlated to Ma10 bed. In KD-2 core, samples of Ma5 and Ma6 beds had high EC and low pH values. Other samples including that of Ma9 bed had low EC and higher pH of 6-7, and were regarded as fresh water sediments. It may be implied that the sea water invasion occurred at the formation age of Ma10 bed (about 0.34Ma) in the central part of the Kyoto Basin, and that the northern part has been under the fresh water environment after the formation age of Ma6 bed (about 0.62Ma).