


セッション記号 H (地球人間圏科学) » H-GG 地理学

[H-GG01] International comparison of landscape appreciation

2015年5月28日(木) 09:00 〜 10:45 101B (1F)

コンビーナ:*Christoph Rupprecht(Griffith School of Environment, Griffith University)、高瀬 唯(千葉大学大学院園芸学研究科)、古谷 勝則(千葉大学大学院園芸学研究科)、座長:Christoph Rupprecht(Griffith School of Environment, Griffith University)

10:00 〜 10:15

[HGG01-05] Study of People Perceptions about Four Parks in Jakarta

*Mariski MARISKI1Andi GUNAWAN1Akhmad arifin HADI2Katsunori FURUYA2 (1.Bogor Agricultural University、2.Graduate School of Horticulture, Chiba University)

キーワード:Park, Preference, Perceptions, Visual Landscape, Landscape Elements

City parks are important spaces for people amenities and conserving biodiversity. People are main user of city parks who has different perception and preferences about parks. Each parks has different characteristics that composed by its elements. In this research, the correlation between composition of landscape elements and people's perceptions about the parks was investigated. The purpose of this research is investigating people's perceptions and preferences of the visual landscape in some city parks in Central of Jakarta.

2.Study Method
The study was conducted from January to February 2015. The study sites were located in Menteng Park, Kodok Park, Suropati Park, and Situ Lembang Park, Central Jakarta. The fourth park was chosen because they close to residential area. Method of data collection was done by field observation. And people perceptions were obtained by using online questionnaire. The data were analyzed by using Chi-square method.

3.Results and Consideration
The number of respondents 87 people, consisting of 46 male and 41 female. The number of teenagers is 18 and adult is 69 people. Chi-squre test results showed that age is significantly influences to level of preference of Situ Lembang Park. The result shows that adult respondents prefer to park that has water features. The Suropati Park has highest value of preference, beauty and well element composition compared with other parks (Figure 1). The hotspot image detector indicates that the preferred landscape element in Situ Lembang Park is a water fountain (20% respondents). That is similar with Menteng Park that the most preferred element is a water fountain (19% respondents). In Kodok Park, the most preferred element is a plaza (33,3% respondents). But in Suropati Park, it is a row of trees (19% respondents) (Figure 1).

The park that has the most value of preference, beauty and well composition of elements is Suropati Park. The most preferred landscape element among four parks is water feature. Although Suropati Park is the most preferred park, people do not prefer to water feature, but more prefer to composition of row trees.