


セッション記号 S (固体地球科学) » S-TT 計測技術・研究手法

[S-TT13] Recent Advances in Exploration Geophysics (RAEG2015)

2015年5月27日(水) 14:15 〜 16:00 102A (1F)

コンビーナ:*三ケ田 均(京都大学大学院工学研究科)、武川 順一(京都大学大学院工学研究科)、笠原 順三(静岡大学理学部地球科学科 東京海洋大学)、飯尾 能久(京都大学防災研究所)、小川 康雄(東京工業大学火山流体研究センター)、島 伸和(神戸大学大学院理学研究科地球惑星科学専攻)、佐藤 龍也(地熱技術開発株式会社)、淺川 栄一(株式会社 地球科学総合研究所)、座長:Jamali Hondori Ehsan(JGI, Inc.)、三ケ田 均(京都大学大学院工学研究科)

14:30 〜 14:45

[STT13-02] 高速電気探査装置を用いた不飽和帯浸透水の3次元経時モニタリング

*稲崎 富士1今村 杉夫2坂西 啓一郎3 (1.土木研、2.地圏探査技術研究所、3.モニー物探)

キーワード:比抵抗, 不飽和帯, 浸透, 経時モニタリング, 3次元

Infiltration process of water into the surficial vadose zone of an embankment was monitored at short intervals by means of a newly developed high-speed resistivity measurement tool. The tool can transmit 24 individual current signals and measure 24 potential responses simultaneously. A code division multiple transmission technique was adopted for the current signal transmission. It took only 30 seconds to obtain and store a dataset composed of a total of 576 (24 by 24) potential data along with time series waveforms. The tool enabled us to conduct high-speed time-lapse or dense 3D resistivity measurements in the field. We monitored infiltration process of surface water into the vadose zone of an actual embankment. A total of 4 current lines and 4 potential lines were set parallel on a flank of the embankment, and infused water into the vadose zone through a narrow and shallow trench dug on the crest. Electrode stakes were placed at 25 cm spacing along each line, and spacing between the lines was set to 50 cm. A total of 6,912 (12 pairs x 576) data were acquired at 5 min intervals in the beginning and at 30 min later. 3D electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) analysis, applied to the dataset composed of a total of 40 stages during the infiltration across two days, successfully imaged the extent of infiltrated water in the vadose zone. Consequently, our field measurements demonstrated the usefulness of dense time-lapse 3D ERT monitoring for the characterization of dynamic unsaturated permeability of the vadose zone of embankments in the field.