12:26 〜 12:28
[AGE04-P05] 室内拡散試験を選択及び設計するための理論と技術的判断基準
キーワード:室内拡散試験, 透過型拡散試験, 浸入型拡散試験, 理論解, 分析精度
Mass transport in geo-environments is primarily controlled by advection, dispersion and sorption if no chemical and/or biochemical reactions and chain decay are involved. When permeability is low and/or hydraulic gradient is extremely small, mass transport in a geological stratum such as a clay layer will be controlled by diffusion and sorption.
To properly select a test method, and to effectively perform a laboratory diffusion test, theoretical solutions to both through and in-diffusions are overviewed. Based on discussion of analytical technologies for different kinds of chemicals, such as contaminants and/or nutrients associated with bio-remediation of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), this presentation illustrates how to selection a test method, how to shorten required testing time, how to determine sampling interval and how to interpret experimental data.
To properly select a test method, and to effectively perform a laboratory diffusion test, theoretical solutions to both through and in-diffusions are overviewed. Based on discussion of analytical technologies for different kinds of chemicals, such as contaminants and/or nutrients associated with bio-remediation of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), this presentation illustrates how to selection a test method, how to shorten required testing time, how to determine sampling interval and how to interpret experimental data.