109 results
(41 - 60)
The high precision measurement and the measurement for which IP technology was used, network and analysis system
New results from Hinode, and the latest Japanese solar space experiment will be presented, as well as the future plan of solar physics missions.
Mineral's specimen & Meteorite's specimen
Providing a contact point for scientists with a critical need for continental scientific drilling
Outlines of this research project
Presentation of research in Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research, Nagoya University
Providing brochures/handouts describing our business on AMS radiocarbon analysis. A special offer celebrating JpGU meeting 2016 is also prepared.
Demonstration of metadata database and data analysis software developed by the IUGONET project
To promote our environmental journal and and website
remorte sensing IR spectroradiometer
iRIC software, that is composed of GUI program and solvers for river flow and riverbed variation analysis, is introduced.
Distribution of brochures of ISAS, several missions and SOKENDAI, demonstration of softwares, and so on
Summary and results of the Geosphere Stability Project
Introduction of research and development of JAMSTEC
Introduction of JAMS activties
Exhibition booth of Japan Geoscience Union
Technology in Oil & Gas Exploration, Production and Geophysical surveys
Presentation by poster and video.