Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2016

Presentations by Keyword

Keywords : Subduction zone

40 results (31 - 40)

  • International Session (Oral)
  • |Symbol S (Solid Earth Sciences)
  • | S-CG Complex & General

Sun. May 22, 2016 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM A08 (APA HOTEL&RESORT TOKYO BAY MAKUHARI)

Convener:*Yoshihiro Ito(Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University), Michael Brudzinski(Miami University), Ryosuke Ando(Graduate School of Science, University of Tokyo), Hitoshi Hirose(Research Center for Urban Safety and Security, Kobe University), Amanda Thomas(University of Oregon), Chair:Ryosuke Ando(Graduate School of Science, University of Tokyo), Yoshihiro Ito(Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University)

Sun. May 22, 2016 4:30 PM - 4:45 PM

*Bunichiro Shibazaki1, Laura Wallace2, Yoshihiro Ito3, Takanori Matsuzawa4 (1.International Institute of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, Building Research Institute, 2.Institute for Geophysics, University of Texas at Austin, 3.Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, 4.National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention)

  • International Session (Oral)
  • |Symbol S (Solid Earth Sciences)
  • | S-CG Complex & General

Sun. May 22, 2016 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM A08 (APA HOTEL&RESORT TOKYO BAY MAKUHARI)

Convener:*Yoshihiro Ito(Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University), Michael Brudzinski(Miami University), Ryosuke Ando(Graduate School of Science, University of Tokyo), Hitoshi Hirose(Research Center for Urban Safety and Security, Kobe University), Amanda Thomas(University of Oregon), Chair:Ryosuke Ando(Graduate School of Science, University of Tokyo), Yoshihiro Ito(Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University)

  • International Session (Oral)
  • |Symbol S (Solid Earth Sciences)
  • | S-CG Complex & General

Mon. May 23, 2016 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM 201B (2F)

Convener:*Bjorn Mysen(Geophysical Laboratory, Carnegie Inst. Washington), Eiji Ohtani(Department of Earth and Planetary Materials Science, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University), Toru Inoue(Geodynamics Research Center, Ehime University), Chair:Eiji Ohtani(Department of Earth and Planetary Materials Science, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University)

  • International Session (Oral)
  • |Symbol S (Solid Earth Sciences)
  • | S-CG Complex & General

Mon. May 23, 2016 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM 201B (2F)

Convener:*Bjorn Mysen(Geophysical Laboratory, Carnegie Inst. Washington), Eiji Ohtani(Department of Earth and Planetary Materials Science, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University), Toru Inoue(Geodynamics Research Center, Ehime University), Chair:Eiji Ohtani(Department of Earth and Planetary Materials Science, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University)

  • Poster
  • |Symbol S (Solid Earth Sciences)
  • | S-CG Complex & General

Mon. May 23, 2016 5:15 PM - 6:30 PM Poster Hall (International Exhibition Hall HALL6)

Convener:*Yukitoshi Fukahata(Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University), Norio Shigematsu(Research Institute of Earthquake and Volcano Geology, Geological Survey of Japan, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology), Aitaro Kato(Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Nagoya University), Hikaru Iwamori(Geochemical Evolution Research Program, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology), Yasutaka Ikeda(Department of Earth and Planetary Science, Graduate School of Science, University of Tokyo), Toru Takeshita(Department of Natural History Sciences, Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University)

  • Oral
  • |Symbol S (Solid Earth Sciences)
  • | S-CG Complex & General

Tue. May 24, 2016 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM A08 (APA HOTEL&RESORT TOKYO BAY MAKUHARI)

Convener:*Yukitoshi Fukahata(Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University), Norio Shigematsu(Research Institute of Earthquake and Volcano Geology, Geological Survey of Japan, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology), Aitaro Kato(Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Nagoya University), Hikaru Iwamori(Geochemical Evolution Research Program, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology), Yasutaka Ikeda(Department of Earth and Planetary Science, Graduate School of Science, University of Tokyo), Toru Takeshita(Department of Natural History Sciences, Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University), Chair:Yukitoshi Fukahata(Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University), Bunichiro Shibazaki(International Institute of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, Building Research Institute)

Tue. May 24, 2016 11:15 AM - 11:30 AM

*Sarah Incel1, Alexandre Schubnel1, Nadège Hilairet2, Timm John3, Loïc Labrousse4, Thoams Ferrand1, Damien Deldicque1, Yanbin Wang5, Jörg Renner6, Christian Chopin1 (1.Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris, 24 Rue Lhomond, 75005 Paris, France, 2.CNRS-UMET, Université Lille, 59655 Villeneuve d'Ascq, France, 3.Freie Universität Berlin, Malteserstr. 74-100, 12249 Berlin, Germany, 4.Université Pierre et Marie Curie, 4 place Jussieu, 75252 Paris, France, 5.GeoSoilEnviroCARS, University of Chicago, Argonne,IL 60439, USA, 6.Ruhr Universität Bochum, Universitätsstraße 150, 44801 Bochum, Germany)

  • International Session (Oral)
  • |Symbol S (Solid Earth Sciences)
  • | S-CG Complex & General

Tue. May 24, 2016 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM 201A (2F)

Convener:*Keiko Kuge(Department of Geophysics, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University), Saeko Kita(National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention), Alexandre Schubnel(CNRS), Geoffrey Abers(Cornell University, Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, New York, USA), Chair:Alexandre Schubnel(CNRS), Tatsuhiko Hara(International Institute of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering, Building Research Institute)

  • Oral
  • |Symbol S (Solid Earth Sciences)
  • | S-CG Complex & General

Tue. May 24, 2016 1:45 PM - 3:15 PM A08 (APA HOTEL&RESORT TOKYO BAY MAKUHARI)

Convener:*Ikuo Katayama(Department of Earth and Planetary Systems Science, Hiroshima University), Atsushi Okamoto(Graduate School of Environmental Studies), Tatsuhiko Kawamoto(Institute for Geothermal Sciences, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University), Junichi Nakajima(Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Tokyo Institute of Technology), Chair:Hata Maki(Advanced Industrial Science and Technology), Takayuki Nakatani(Division of Earth and Planetary Materials Science Department of Earth Science Graduate School of Science, TOHOKU Univ.)

  • Poster
  • |Symbol S (Solid Earth Sciences)
  • | S-CG Complex & General

Tue. May 24, 2016 5:15 PM - 6:30 PM Poster Hall (International Exhibition Hall HALL6)

Convener:*Ikuo Katayama(Department of Earth and Planetary Systems Science, Hiroshima University), Atsushi Okamoto(Graduate School of Environmental Studies), Tatsuhiko Kawamoto(Institute for Geothermal Sciences, Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University), Junichi Nakajima(Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Tokyo Institute of Technology)

  • Oral
  • |Symbol M (Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary)
  • | M-IS Intersection

Thu. May 26, 2016 1:45 PM - 3:15 PM 103 (1F)

Convener:*Yasuhiro Yamada(Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC), R&D Center for Ocean Drilling Science (ODS)), Minoru Ikehara(Center for Advanced Marine Core Research, Kochi University), Yusuke Suganuma(National institute of Polar Research), Kazuno Arai(Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology), Keita Umetsu(Japan Agency for Marine Earth Science and Technology), Chair:Tomoaki Morishita(School of Natural System, Colleage of Science and Technology, Kanazawa University), Katsuyoshi Michibayashi(Institute of Geosciences, Shizuoka University)