Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2016

Session information


Symbol G (General (Education and Outreach)) » General (Education and Outreach)

[G-04] Geoscience education for 1st-12th graders and bachelor course

Sun. May 22, 2016 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM 203 (2F)

Convener:*Masatsune Hatakeyama(Seiko Gakuin High School), Chair:Masatsune Hatakeyama(Seiko Gakuin High School), Hiroo Nemoto(J.F.Oberlin University)

We will think and provide about various education practice and report of outreach activities for elementary, junior high school and high school students.
It aims to think about the geoscience education in the entire science education.

11:30 AM - 11:45 AM

*Hiroo Nemoto1, Yasushi Fujiwara2, Norihiko Kobayashi3, Yasuhiro Taguchi4, Shinichi Kawate5, Satoshi Miyajima6, Masatsune Hatakeyama7, Sho Sasaki8 (1.Division of Natural Sciences, J. F. Oberlin University, 2.Evening Classes; Integrated Course, Kanagawa Prefectural Mukaino’oka Technical Upper Secondary School, 3.Seibu Gakuen Bunri Secondary School, 4.Chiba Prefectural Choushi Upper Secondary School, 5.Musashi Secondary School, 6.Saitama Prefectural Fukayadai’ichi Upper Secondary School, 7.Seikou Gakuin Secondary School, 8.Department of Earth and Space Sciences, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University)