9:00 AM - 9:05 AM
Session information
International Session (Oral)
Symbol H (Human Geosciences) » H-DS Disaster geosciences
[H-DS06] Natural hazards impacts on the society, economics and technological systems
Tue. May 24, 2016 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM 101A (1F)
Convener:*ELENA PETROVA(Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Geography), Hajime Matsushima(Research Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University), Chair:ELENA PETROVA(Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Geography), Hajime Matsushima(Research Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University)
The last decade set a sad record in the number and scale of natural disasters and clearly demonstrated high vulnerability of human society and technosphere to their impacts. The most serious consequences have the so-called natural-technological disasters that have place when natural hazards trigger accidents at technological objects such as nuclear power plants, chemical plants, oil refineries and pipelines, etc. A distinctive feature of natural-technological events, such as of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake, is their multihazard and synergistic nature with a disaster impact on the technosphere, resulting in simultaneous occurrences of numerous technological accidents. The main goal of this multidisciplinary session is to summarize case studies of relationships between natural hazards and technological disasters, their social and economic consequences; and to encourage a discussion about tools and methods to prevent disasters and to minimize their consequences, disaster reconstruction, tourism for reconstruction, Eco-DRR, green infrastructure.
9:05 AM - 9:20 AM
[HDS06-01] Heliacal rising of Sirius and flooding of the Nile
★Invited papers
*Anastasia Petrova1, Mikhail Nikiforov2 (1.Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2.Sternberg Astronomy Institute of the Moscow State University)
9:20 AM - 9:40 AM
*Hajime Matsushima1 (1.Research Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University)
9:40 AM - 9:55 AM
*Kaneko Korehisa1 (1.Hokuso Creature Association)
9:55 AM - 10:15 AM
*Ryo Nishisaka1, Katsunori Furuya1 (1.Graduate School of Horticulture, Chiba University)
10:15 AM - 10:30 AM
*Kenji Hirata1, Hiroyuki Fujiwara1, Hiromitsu Nakamura1, Masaki Osada1, Tsuneo Ohsumi1, Nobuyuki Morikawa1, Shin'ichi Kawai1, Shin Aoi1, Naotaka YAMAMOTO1, Hisanori Matsuyama2, Nobuhiko Toyama2, Tadashi Kito2, Yoichi Murashima3, Yasuhiro Murata3, Takuya Inoue3, Ryu Saito3, Jyunpei Takayama3, Shin'ichi Akiyama4, Mariko Korenaga4, Yuta Abe4, Norihiko Hashimoto4 (1.National Research Institue for Earth Science and Diaster Prevention, 2.OYO, 3.KKC, 4.CTC)