2016年5月23日(月) 09:00 〜 10:30
A02 (アパホテル&リゾート 東京ベイ幕張)
コンビーナ:*村山 泰啓(国立研究開発法人情報通信研究機構統合データシステム研究開発室)、Cecconi Baptiste(LESIA, Observatoire de Paris, CNRS, PSL Research University)、近藤 康久(総合地球環境学研究所)、石井 励一郎(海洋研究開発機構)、Crichon Daniel(Jet Propulsion Laboratory, National Aeronautics and Space Administration)、座長:近藤 康久、村山 泰啓(国立研究開発法人情報通信研究機構統合データシステム研究開発室)
JpGU has been facilitating sessions related to data and information topics in past meetings, convened by groups/communities with interdisciplinary interests including scientific data centers, data systems, data sciences, and social network services.
New dimensions and cross-disciplinary subjects are expected for further contribution to advancing the earth and planetary sciences. On the other hand, Open Data and Open Science are increasingly becoming hot topics, in parallel to establishing ICSU-WDS (2008), G8 Open Data Charter (2013), deployment of RDA (2013), and so forth.
New data and tools infrastructures are now emerging in Europe, Japan and in the United States aiming at improving the data availability in Solar (Virtual Solar Observatory), Earth (IUGONET, SPASE) and Planetary Sciences (NASA-PDS4, GIS technologies, Europlanet/VESPA...). Major space agencies are now investing in this technology, with the ultimate goal to dramatically enhance the science return of the shared data.
The JpGU community will be encouraged to discuss about our reaction, our contribution to the above data and information issues, and what future benefits and problems inherent in earth and planetary sciences will be.