10:45 AM - 11:00 AM
*Yoshio Kono1, Hiroaki Ohfuji2, Vincenzo Stagno2, Curtis Kenney-Benson1, Yanbin Wang3, Guoyin Shen1 (1.Carnegie Institution of Washington, 2.Ehime University, 3.The University of Chicago)
International Session (Oral)
Symbol S (Solid Earth Sciences) » S-IT Science of the Earth's Interior & Techtonophysics
Sun. May 22, 2016 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM 201B (2F)
Convener:*Takashi Yoshino(Institute for Study of the Earth's Interior, Okayama University), Dapeng Zhao(Department of Geophysics, Tohoku University), Takashi Nakagawa(JAMSTEC/MAT), Chair:Takashi Yoshino(Institute for Study of the Earth's Interior, Okayama University), Koichiro Umemoto(Earth-Life Science Institute, Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Interdisciplinary approach can lead to a better understanding of dynamics and evolution of the deep interiors of the Earth and planets. We welcome any submissions of recent results in observational, theoretical and experimental studies on seismology, geomagnetism, mineral physics, dynamics of deep interiors, and any other relevant fields from researchers in many countries. Integration of such results is also welcome.
10:45 AM - 11:00 AM
*Yoshio Kono1, Hiroaki Ohfuji2, Vincenzo Stagno2, Curtis Kenney-Benson1, Yanbin Wang3, Guoyin Shen1 (1.Carnegie Institution of Washington, 2.Ehime University, 3.The University of Chicago)
11:00 AM - 11:15 AM
*Tomoeki Nakakuki1 (1.Department of Earth and Planetary Systems Science, Graduate School of Science, Hiroshima University)
11:15 AM - 11:30 AM
*Takako Satsukawa1, William L Griffin2, Sandra Piazolo2, Suzanne Y O'Reilly2 (1.Department of Geophysics, Division of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Kyoto University, 2.CCFS&GEMOC, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Macquarie University)
11:30 AM - 11:45 AM
*Tetsuo Matsuno1, Daisuke Suetsugu2, Hisashi Utada1, Kiyoshi Baba1, Noriko Tada2, Hisayoshi Shimizu1, Hajime Shiobara1, Takehi Isse1, Hiroko Sugioka3, Aki Ito2 (1.Earthquake Research Institute, The University of Tokyo, 2.Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, 3.Kobe University)
11:45 AM - 12:00 PM
*Wei Sun1, Takashi Yoshino1, Naoya Sakamoto2, Hisayoshi Yurimoto3 (1.Research Group of Physics of the Earth's Interior at the Institute for Study of the Earth's Interior, Okayama University, 2.Isotope Imaging Laboratory, Creative Research Institution, Hokkaido University, 3.Department of Natural History Sciences, Hokkaido University)
12:00 PM - 12:15 PM
*Masaki Akaogi1, Yuki Anegawa1, Airi Kawahara1, Takayuki Ishii1, Hiroshi Kojitani1 (1.Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Gakushuin University)