12:00 PM - 12:15 PM
[ACG06-12] A Regional Climate Mode Discovered in the North Atlantic: Dakar Niño/Niña
The coupled warm (cold) event is named Dakar Niño (Niña). The oceanic aspect of the Dakar Niño (Niña) may be basically explained by anomalous warming (cooling) of the anomalously thin (thick) mixed-layer, which absorbs shortwave surface heat flux. In the case of Dakar Niña, however, enhancement of the entrainment at the bottom of the mixed-layer is not negligible.
The atmospheric aspect is a warming (cooling) of the lower atmosphere, in response to the warming (cooling) of the upper ocean. Locally, this modifies the cross-shore pressure gradient and helps to maintain weaker (stronger) than normal wind along the coast. This can be viewed as a "coastal Bjerknes feedback".