


セッション記号 H (地球人間圏科学) » H-DS 防災地球科学

[H-DS05] Landslides and related phenomena

2016年5月26日(木) 09:00 〜 10:30 201A (2F)

コンビーナ:*千木良 雅弘(京都大学防災研究所)、王 功輝(京都大学防災研究所)、今泉 文寿(静岡大学農学部)、ペットレイ デイビット(東アングリア大学)、座長:王 功輝(京都大学防災研究所)

10:00 〜 10:15

[HDS05-05] Past and modern landslides controlled by lithology and geologic structures of accretionary complexes in eastern Kii Peninsula, central Japan

*小嶋 智1永田 秀尚2 (1.岐阜大学工学部社会基盤工学科、2.(有)風水土)

キーワード:landslide, geologic structure, accretionary complex

The relationship between large landslides and geologic characters of accretionary complexes were examined in the Chichibu belt on the eastern part of the Kii Peninsula, central Japan. The rocks in this area consist of Jurassic accretionary complexes composed of basalt, limestone, chert, PermianTriassic boundary siliceous shale (PTBS), mudstone, sandstone, and mélanges with sheared shale matrices. We examined prehistoric landslides (the Karako, Sono, Kasagi, and Aso landslides), and the modern Kasugadani landslide that was triggered by the Typhoon Meari on 2930 September 2004. Although the age of the Sono landslide was estimated at 20,440 ± 70 BP and 20,820 ± 70 BP based on AMS-14C ages of wood fragments embedded in the dammed lake sediments, the ages of other prehistoric slides are unknown. All of the landslides occurred on dip slopes. The bedding, foliation, and fault planes of the rocks in the area generally trend EW and dip to the north, although those in the Kasugadani area dip to the south as a result of local folding. The landslides selectively slid along the planes of 1) PTBS horizons that were less strong than those of underlying chert, 2) lithologic boundaries with physical contrasts, or 3) boundary faults between mélange units. These geologic structures, including the north-dipping bedding/cleavage/fault planes, were formed during Jurassic subductionaccretion and later uplift processes. The movement directions estimated for the 269 landslides and unstable slopes in this region are also NNNE, and their slip planes are subparallel to the general bedding/cleavage planes in this area. Thus, future slides are also likely to occur on north-facing slopes.