


セッション記号 H (地球人間圏科学) » H-SC 社会地球科学・社会都市システム

[H-SC04] Implementing Geoscience Research for the Earth' Future

2016年5月23日(月) 10:45 〜 12:15 101A (1F)

コンビーナ:*氷見山 幸夫(北海道教育大学名誉教授)、春山 成子(三重大学大学院生物資源学研究科共生環境学専攻)、櫻井 武司(国立大学法人一橋大学経済研究所)、渡辺 悌二(北海道大学大学院地球環境科学研究院)、木本 浩一(摂南大学・外国語学部)、Kiefer Thorsten(Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique)、安成 哲三(総合地球環境学研究所)、座長:氷見山 幸夫(北海道教育大学名誉教授)、Kiefer Thorsten(Future Earth)

11:30 〜 11:45

[HSC04-04] “Cross-scale” issues on Protected Areas in India


*木本 浩一1 (1.摂南大学・外国語学部)

キーワード:Future Earth, cross-scale, Protected Areas, India

In the conceptual framework underlying the Future Earth (FE) program, “Scale” is to be positioned as one of keyword. In the final report (released in 2013), it has been emphasized that changes in human activities and global system of cross-scale (cs) and multi-scale (ms) has an important meaning in the sustainability of society. “The cross-scale interactions between human activities, large scale changes in the Earth system, and local impacts have important implications for human development and create many of the sustainability challenges facing society.” (FE final report: 17).
However, in FE, it cannot be said that discussion about the range to be assumed by the scale and scale itself has been made sufficiently. In this report, the term “cs” used there four times in the text (page 17, 28, 32, 35), twice in the figure (1, 3), and “ms” once (37). In particular, “cs” (in fig.1 and 3) has been used as a key concept. Although “cs” is understood it is widely important as a research guideline, which is not explicitly about what there is a specific research theme.
In this study, based on the results of the past my research projects, I would like to try to arrange the various issues related to “cs” in FE. More specifically, I will deal with the issues related to the Protected Areas (PAs) in India, depending on the scales, which include the expansion of PAs network, its acceptance process in India, and the PAs problems in the regional context.