


セッション記号 M (領域外・複数領域) » M-IS ジョイント

[M-IS06] 生物地球化学

2016年5月22日(日) 10:45 〜 12:15 A03 (アパホテル&リゾート 東京ベイ幕張)

コンビーナ:*楊 宗興(東京農工大学)、柴田 英昭(北海道大学北方生物圏フィールド科学センター)、大河内 直彦(海洋研究開発機構)、山下 洋平(北海道大学 大学院地球環境科学研究院)、座長:岩田 智也(山梨大学生命環境学部)、角皆 潤(名古屋大学大学院環境学研究科)、稲垣 善之(森林総合研究所)、藤井 一至(森林総合研究所)

10:45 〜 11:00

[MIS06-07] 水質調査から示される丘陵地の溶存鉄供給に対する機能

*田代 悠人1楊 宗興1 (1.東京農工大学)


Iron is an essential element for plants, and is also a factor limiting primary productivity in some oceanic area. Moreover, Fe can be too short for phytoplankton’s growth in some coastal zone (e.g. Hutchin et al., 1994). River is thought to be a main source of Fe to ocean, but there are few researches studying where dissolved Fe is produced in a river basin. The present research aims to examine geographic factors that control the concentration of dissolved Fe in stream with a special focus on reductive environments in a river basin.
Streams from various landform types including steep mountain and gentle hill were studied, which were located in Hachiouzi-city, Akiruno-city, and Oume-city, Tokyo. In the research here, regions higher than 200m ASL ware regarded as mountain and at lower than 200m as hill. Dissolved Fe and dissolved Mn were measured with ICP-AES (Thermo-FisheriCAP6000). NO3-and SO42- were measured with ion chromatography (DIONEX DX-120). To examine the influence of geographic factor in catchment area for the dFe concentration, mean inclination of the valley from the sampling spot to 200m upper was calculated with GIS software named QGIS.
[Results and Discussions]
Most of dissolved iron (dFe) concentrations sampled from mountainous area were below 100µg/L. On the other hand those from hilly area were comparatively higher; 200µg/L and more. Considering the relationship between the mean inclination and dFe concentrations, dFe concentrations tended to be higher with the decrease in the inclination of valley. dMn concentrations also tended to increase in hilly area.NO3- concentrations and
SO42- concentrations were lower at the site high dFe concentrations suggesting denitrification and sulphate reduction in reductive conditions. In short, gentle landform like hilly area creates the reductive environment with a function of producing dFe.