11:15 〜 11:30
[MIS07-09] シームレスなジオストーリーのための方法論
Geoparks require attractive story based on geoscience. Geostory enhances educational effects for geoconservation and geotourism, whereas the story depends primarily on scientific evidences. Geostory involves many geoscientific disciplines characterized by multi-scale historical, vertical and horizontal phenomena. Field observation in geotour might confuse visitors, because understanding of multi-scale phenomena relies on academic experiences. Geotour for public tourists should produce well-selected and arranged story targeting historical, vertical and/or horizontal phenomena. Educational geotour should produce programs on comprehensive geoscientific system to understand interrelationship among many geoscientific disciplines. Seamless geostory dramatically promotes educational effects in geotour, and improves multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary geoscience. Geoparks should prepare and propose various geostory collaborated with geoscientists.