1:45 PM - 3:15 PM
[O02-P37] Revision of criteria of Nakisuna and the difference of region
Keywords:Nakisuna, frequency spectrum
Study method is that five members tapped sand, which we collected from Kotohikihama, Aoya Shore, Yostukura Shore and Iwamasanuka Shore. Kotohikihama, Aoya Shore and Yotsukura Shore are Nakisuna, and Iwamasanuka Shore is Non-Nakisuna. I recorded the sounds of the sand and analyzed them. Frequency spectra were shown in this way. A frequency spectrum is represented by 'frequency in horizontal axis' and 'sound pressure level in vertical axis'.
As a result, some result didn’t match between “numerical judgment” and “hearing judgment”.
So, I paid attention to difference of people and areas, and revised preceding study’s criteria of Nakisuna.
In conclusion, by revising our former criteria, we succeed in making more reliable criteria of Nakisuna, by which we could judge the results of any analysis.
As a future prospect, I would like to examine seasonal changes of Nakisuma. I also would like to study how Nakisuna was piled up.