


セッション記号 S (固体地球科学) » S-CG 固体地球科学複合領域・一般

[S-CG59] 海洋底地球科学

2016年5月26日(木) 13:45 〜 15:00 301B (3F)

コンビーナ:*沖野 郷子(東京大学大気海洋研究所)、田所 敬一(名古屋大学地震火山研究センター)、石塚 治(産業技術総合研究所活断層火山研究部門)、土岐 知弘(琉球大学理学部)、高橋 成実(海洋研究開発機構地震津波海域観測研究開発センター)、座長:秋澤 紀克(金沢大学 理工研究域)、松野 哲男(東京大学地震研究所)、北田 数也(海洋研究開発機構 海底資源研究開発センター)

14:00 〜 14:15

[SCG59-25] フラクチャーゾーン、トランスフォーム断層を横切る深海地磁気調査

*島 伸和1北川 高行1沖野 郷子2藤井 昌和2中東 和夫1岡本 理1古川 優和3小林 拓史3野木 義史4 (1.神戸大学大学院理学研究科惑星学専攻、2.東京大学大気海洋研究所、3.神戸大学理学部惑星学科、4.国立極地研究所)


Water exists in the solid earth and affects solid earth dynamics through its circulation. Oceanic lithosphere would work as a carrier of water into the deep mantle. Our approach is the first attempt to understand the role for fracture zone and transform faults through where the water could be transported from the ocean into the oceanic lithosphere. Our targets are Nosappu fracture zone, Marie Celeste transform fault, and Argo transform fault. Nosappu fracture zone locates in the old Pacific lithosphere just before subducting into the deep mantle at the Kuril trench. Marie Celeste transform fault and Argo transform fault are boundaries of two oceanic lithospheres in Indian ocean with a large age offset. We conducted deep-sea geomagnetic field measurements together with surface geophysical surveys across the fracture zone and the transform faults during YK14-09 Yokosuka and KH-15-5 Hakuho-maru cruises. During YK14-09 cruise, we successfully conducted AUV Urashima geomagnetic surveys and surface geophysical surveys at the Nosappu fracture zone between 38°40’N and 40°40’N. We had four AUV Urashima dives across the fracture zone to obtain geomagnetic data. The length of each survey line is about 17 miles, which contain about 13 miles at the AUV depth of 3300m. The exception is one dive, which was forced to end at the middle of the survey line due to an emergency uplift of the AUV. The surface geophysical surveys allow us to collect multi-narrow beam bathymetry and geomagnetic field data, which cover total 1,200 miles in the AUV Urashima dive area. The surface geophysical surveys contain 17 survey lines across the fracture zone with their length of 40 miles for most, and survey lines along the fracture zone cover 110 miles at each side of the fracture zone. During KH-15-5 cruise, we successfully conducted two deep-tow magnetic surveys together with surface geophysical surveys across Marie Celeste transform fault at 65°15’E and Argo transform fault at 66°07’E. We used our deep-sea geomagnetic field measurement system which consists of a depth meter, a proton precession magnetometer, and flux-gate type magnetometers. The length of each survey line is about 25 miles. The intensity of the geomagnetic field at sea surface and at deep-sea with even height from the seafloor (2500 - 4000 m depth) were obtained. The geomagnetic anomaly field at deep-sea shows 2 - 3 times bigger amplitude and also has shorter wave length anomaly than those at sea surface. Our results from Nosappu fracture zone provide magnetization signature beneath the fracture zone. The magnetic boundary in the fracture zone is not a single boundary as predicted by a simple plate boundary model, but two magnetic boundaries parallel to Nosappu fracture zone are identified by the deep-sea vector geomagnetic anomaly field and by seafloor magnetization solution calculated from the surface geomagnetic anomaly field. We will discuss on magnetic property beneath fracture zones and transform faults as a result of reaction with water.