


セッション記号 S (固体地球科学) » S-EM 固体地球電磁気学

[S-EM05] Full vector geomagnetic and paleomagnetic secular variation: direction, intensity and dynamo simulations

2016年5月22日(日) 09:00 〜 10:30 105 (1F)

コンビーナ:*渋谷 秀敏(熊本大学大学院自然科学研究科)、山本 裕二(高知大学 海洋コア総合研究センター)、Paterson Greig(Institute of Geology and Geophysics Chinese Academy of Sciences)、Brown Maxwell(GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences)、座長:Paterson Greig A(Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)、山本 裕二(高知大学 海洋コア総合研究センター)、福間 浩司(同志社大学理工学部環境システム学科)

09:40 〜 09:55

[SEM05-03] Secular variation of inclination with a timescale of tens of thousand years

*山崎 俊嗣1下野 貴也2,3井上 聖子2 (1.東京大学大気海洋研究所、2.筑波大学大学院生命環境科学研究科、3.明治大学ガスハイドレート研究所)

キーワード:geomagnetic secular variaiton, inclination, Okhotsk Sea

Relative paleointensity records of marine sediments revealed that geomagnetic field fluctuations between polarity reversals contain variations with a timescale of tens of thousand years and longer. However, discussion on directional secular variations has been limited for timescale of tens to a few thousand years in general. This is probably because directional variations of the timescale of tens of thousand years are not easy to be detected due to the small amplitude of variations, often close to measurement errors, and difficulty in precise inter-core correlations. Exceptionally, inclination variations of the timescale of tens of thousand years were discussed using sediments from the western equatorial Pacific in terms of possible relations with persistent non-dipole components and orbital forcing (Yamazaki and Ioka, 1994; Yamazaki and Oda, 2002; Yamazaki et al., 2008). We revisited the problem of the long-term inclination secular variations using sediments from the Okhotsk Sea; three piston cores and nine gravity cores adjacent to each other were available. The sediments are of late Pleistocene age, and relative paleointensity was used for the age control. Inclination variations with the timescale of several to tens of thousand years are visible. Further accumulation of datasets for better spatial and temporal distribution is expected for elucidating geomagnetic field behavior of this timescale. For tectonic application of paleomagnetism assuming the virtual geocentric axial dipole field, a period of order of 100 kyr is required to average out secular variations to detect differences of several degrees in paleolatitudes.