


セッション記号 S (固体地球科学) » S-SS 地震学

[S-SS01] Earthquake early warning developments around the world

2016年5月22日(日) 09:00 〜 10:30 106 (1F)

コンビーナ:*田島 文子(University of California at Irvine)、山田 真澄(京都大学防災研究所)、Margaret Hellweg(Berkeley Seismological Lab)、Richard Allen(University of California Berkeley)、干場 充之(気象研究所)、Douglas Given(USGS Pasadena Field Office)、座長:干場 充之(気象研究所)、田島 文子(University of California at Irvine)、Margaret Hellweg(Berkeley Seismological Lab)

09:30 〜 09:45

[SSS01-03] Improving earthquake early warning in the U.S. and around the world: ShakeAlert, MyShake and beyond


*Allen Richard1Allen Steve1Aranha Mario1Chung Angela1Hellweg Margaret1Henson Ivan1Kong Qingkai1Melgar Diego1Neuhauser Douglas1Schreier Lou2Thompson Stephen1 (1.University of California Berkeley、2.Deutsche Telekom Silicon Valley Innovation Center)

キーワード:earthquake early warning, ShakeAlert, MyShake

ShakeAlert is the U.S. earthquake early warning system that is now in the process of being rolled out across the U.S. west coast. it uses traditional networks of seismic and geodetic stations to provide seconds to minutes of warning. The newly operational ‘production prototype’ system is now available for pilot projects in which selected users make automated responses and warn personnel of forthcoming shaking. Improved methodologies are also under evaluation for inclusion in the system. New approaches focus on providing better information in the biggest earthquakes by assessing the finite extent of the rupture and updating the warning accordingly.
MyShake is a new experimental approach to earthquake early warning that harnesses the accelerometers in personal smartphones to detect the earthquake and assess the hazard. In the first two days of the public release 50,000 people installed the app on their android phones around the world (see map). We will report on the performance of this system and its potential to contribute to early warning in regions with and without traditional seismic networks.