


セッション記号 S (固体地球科学) » S-SS 地震学

[S-SS25] 強震動・地震災害

2016年5月24日(火) 13:45 〜 15:15 105 (1F)

コンビーナ:*津野 靖士(鉄道総合技術研究所)、座長:野津 厚(国立研究開発法人 港湾空港技術研究所)、久保 久彦(国立研究開発法人防災科学技術研究所)

15:00 〜 15:15

[SSS25-18] Detection of nonlinear site response using the main shock and its aftershocks of the 2015 Gorkha, Nepal Earthquake recorded at the DMG site of the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal

*バッタライ ムクンダ1アディカリ ロク・ビジャヤ1ゴータム ウメッシュ・プラサド1コイララ バーラト・プラサド1ティムシナ チンタン1横井 俊明2林田 拓巳2ボリンジャー ローレント3 (1.ネパール産業省鉱山地質局、2.国立研究開発法人 建築研究所 国際地震工学センター、3.フランス原子力庁環境調査解析部)

キーワード:Non-linear site effect, Degree of non-linearity, Gorkha earthquake, Kathmandu Valley

We have tested the occurrence of non-linear behavior of soil at the DMG site using the accelerograms of the main shock and its aftershocks during the 2015 Gorkha, Nepal Earthquake. The DMG accelerometric station is installed on the surface at the concrete slab of the single-storey office building in the central part of the Kathmandu Valley filled by sediments. We calculated the horizontal to vertical spectral ratios of S-waves part of the earthquake records (S-H/V) which is expected to provide information about the ground response. Then we calculate the degree of non-linearity (NDL) (Noguchi and Sasatani 2008) for the main shock and its 5 aftershocks in the frequency range from 1 Hz to 10 Hz. It is found that DNL of the main shock record clearly different from those of the aftershocks records. The PGA-DNL plot shows that the main shock runs off from the trend formed by the aftershock records.
Based on the above study we guess that non-linear behavior took place during the main shock of the 2015 Gorkha, Nepal Earthquake.