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[U-01] Geoscience and society

2016年5月24日(火) 10:45 〜 12:15 102 (1F)

コンビーナ:*西山 忠男(熊本大学自然科学研究科理学専攻地球環境科学講座)、ルーソー デニス(アメリカ地球物理学連合)、座長:平 朝彦(海洋研究開発機構)

10:45 〜 12:15

[U01-01] Scope of 'Geoscience and society'


*西山 忠男1 (1.熊本大学自然科学研究科理学専攻地球環境科学講座)

キーワード:Geoscience, society, natural hazards

This is a union session jointed with AGU.
The theme of this session is
”Geosciences and society: What is the role of geoscientists? Do we really need geoscientists? And if so how to suggest vocations among the young generations?"
We anticipate that this special session will be particularly stimulating, as it will provide useful comparisons of a single situation in two countries with different educational and societal contexts.
List of moderator and panelists with affiliation and specialty
Moderator: Prof. Asahiko Taira (JAMTEC) geology and marine geoscience
Panelists :
1. Prof. Haruo Hayashi (National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention) social psychology, psychology for disaster prevention, human behavior on the disaster
2. Prof. Muneo Hori ( Earthquake Research Institute, The University of Tokyo) earthquake engineering, computational mechanics, simulation of social science
3. Prof. Toshio Yamagata (JAMSTEC) meteorology, ocean physics, earth fluid mechanics
4. Prof. Satoko Ooki (Keio University) seismology, earthquake disaster, disaster prevention education
5. Prof. Stephen P. Obrochta (Akita University) paleoceanography, paleoclimate, stratigraphy