Introduction (09:00 〜 09:05)
[EE] 口頭発表
セッション記号 A (大気水圏科学) » A-OS 海洋科学・海洋環境
[A-OS09] Marine ecosystems and biogeochemical cycles: theory, observation and modeling
2018年5月23日(水) 09:00 〜 10:30 105 (幕張メッセ国際会議場 1F)
コンビーナ:伊藤 進一(東京大学大気海洋研究所)、平田 貴文(北海道大学地球環境科学研究院)、Eileen E Hofmann (共同)、Enrique N Curchitser (Rutgers University New Brunswick)、座長:伊藤 進一(東京大学)
The ocean accounts for about 50% of global net primary production. This production is significant for carbon cycling and ecosystem functioning, and is related directly or indirectly to a variety of climatic and ecological phenomena. The responses to natural and anthropogenic environmental stressors that influence marine production and diversity can cause perturbations to marine ecosystems that alter trophic dependencies and interactions among organisms at a range of space and time scales. Quantification of the principal mechanisms driving spatio-temporal variability of marine ecosystem remains to be done, especially in terms of evaluation of uncertainty in responses. As a result, evaluating vulnerability of marine ecosystems to environmental change requires systematic and holistic approaches that integrate physics to ecology and are based in observations and modelling. This session aims to provide a venue for discussing recent advances in understanding marine biogeochemical cycles, ecosystems and their interactions. Observational and modeling studies that consider linkages between biogeochemical and ecosystem processes, biodiversity and biogeochemistry, and the effects of multiple stressors are especially encouraged.
09:05 〜 09:25
[AOS09-01] Ocean carbon cycle feedbacks on climate dominated by surface ocean chemistry (Revelle Factor) feedbacks
★Invited Papers
*Keith Bradley Rodgers1 (1.Princeton University)
09:25 〜 09:45
*S. Lan Smith1、Bingzhang Chen1、Yoshikazu Sasai1、Chisato Yoshikawa2、Carmen García-Comas1、Tetsuichi Fujiki1 (1.Marine Ecosystem Dynamics Research Group, Research Centre for Global Change, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology、2.Department of Biogeochemistry, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology)
09:45 〜 10:00
*長井 健容1、Clayton Sophie2、内山 雄介3 (1.東京海洋大学 海洋環境科学部門、2.ワシントン大学、3.神戸大学)
10:00 〜 10:15
*Hu Yingying1、郭 新宇1,2、笹井 義一2 (1.Center for Marine Environmental Studies, Ehime University 、2.Research and Development Center for Global Change, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology)
10:15 〜 10:30