Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2018

Session information

[EJ] Poster

M (Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary) » M-IS Intersection

[M-IS08] Drilling Earth Science

Tue. May 22, 2018 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM Poster Hall (International Exhibition Hall7, Makuhari Messe)

convener:Yasuhiro Yamada(Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC), R&D Center for Ocean Drilling Science (ODS)), Junichiro Kuroda(Department of Ocean Floor Geoscience, Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, the University of Tokyo), Kohtaro Ujiie(筑波大学生命環境系, 共同), Yusuke Suganuma(National institute of Polar Research)

"Earth Drilling Science" session aims to exchange the latest information and scientific achievements in Ocean/Continental drilling projects and to promote the interdisciplinary science. The session covers a wide range of drilling sciences, earth dynamics, environments, and the drilling-related technologies. The overview of the recent scientific drillings as well as future projects of any types of scientific drilling will be reported.

*Takeshige Ishiwa1, Yusuke Yokoyama2, Cecilia M. McHugh3, Lars Reuning4, Stephen J. Gallagher5 (1.National Institute of Polar Research, 2.Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo, 3.School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Queens College (C.U.N.Y.), 4.Geological Institute RWTH, Aachen University, 5.School of Earth Sciences, University of Melbourne)

*Masafumi MURAYAMA1, Shinsuke Yagyu2, Satoshi Tonai3, Uramoto Go-Ichiro2, Yasuhiro Yamada4, Fumio Inagaki4 (1.Faculty of Agriculture and Marine Science, Kochi University, 2.Center for Advanced Marine Core Research, Kochi University,, 3.Department of applied science, Faculty of Science, Kochi University, 4.Research and Development Center for Ocean Drilling Science, JAMSTEC)

*Tatsuhiko Hoshino1,2, Nan Xiao1, Go-ICHIRO Uramoto3, Yuki Morono1,2, Adhikari Rishi4, Fumio Inagaki1,2,5 (1.Kochi Institute for Core Sample Research, JAMSTEC, 2.Research and Development Center for Submarine Resources, JAMSTEC, 3.Center for Advanced Marine Core Research, Kochi University, 4.MARUM-Center for Marine Environmental Science, University of Bremen, 5.Research and Development Center for Ocean Drilling Science, JAMSTEC)

Akimasa Ishida1, Bennie Liebeberg2, Michael Rickenbacher3, Siyanda Mngadi4, Harumi Kato5, Shuhei Abe6, Yasuo Yabe6, *Kosuke Sugimura1, Taku Noda1, Akio Funato7, Takatoshi Ito8, Masao Nakatani9, Anthony K Ward10, Raymond J Durrheim11, Hiroshi Ogasawara12, Tatsunari Yasutomi13 (1.Graduate school of science and engineering, Ritsumeikan, 2.Moab Khotsong mine, Anglogold Ashanti, South Africa, 3.ETH Zurich, Switzerland, 4.University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa, 5.3D Geoscience, Tokyo, Japan, 6.Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University, 7.Fukada Geological Institute, Tokyo, Japan, 8.Fluid Science Institute, Tohoku University, 9.Earthquake Research Institute, the university of tokyo, Japan, 10.Seismogen CC, Carletonville, South Africa, 11.School of Geoscience, University of Witwatersrand, 12.college of Science and Engineer, Ritsumeikan University, 13.Kyoto University)




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