9:30 AM - 9:45 AM
[AAS03-03] New tropical cyclone removal technique based on potential vorticity inversion and its application in climate diagnostics
Keywords:tropical cyclone removal, potential vorticity inversion, tropical cyclone effect on climate
A stronger TC vortex is derived, and the vortex has a wide range of effects compared with the TC components derived by the existing TC removal method. Therefore, after the removal of TCs, the environmental field surrounding TCs remains largely unchanged in the existing method, while it changes markedly in the new method. Moreover, both the existing method and new technique are applied to evaluate the TC contribution to the intraseasonal variance in the tropical WNP during JJASO 2004 and the results are compared. The results confirm the significant contribution (up to 50%) of TCs to the intraseasonal variance along the TC tracks. The existence of TCs enhances the amplitude and propagation of intraseasonal oscillation.