2:45 PM - 3:00 PM
[ACG36-23] Band selection of SMILES-2 and its whole atmosphere observation
Keywords:Horizontal wind, Temperature, Stratosphere, Lower thermosphere, Atmospheric chemistry, Whole atmosphere meteorological observation
SMILES-2 program has four science objectives: (MO.1) To investigate the 4-D space-time structure of the diurnal variations (atmospheric tides) in view of dynamics, chemistry, and electromagnetic processes. (MO.2) To unveil the vertical propagation of planetary scale disturbances from the middle atmosphere (non-migrating tides and stratospheric sudden warming events) to the upper atmosphere. (MO.3) To understand atmospheric variations due to electromagnetic energy input from the magnetosphere (particle precipitation and magnetic storm). (MO.4) To provide benchmarks for whole atmosphere models and climate models with detailed description of the background thermal structure and distribution of minor species.
Previously, SMILES-2 was to have 3 sub-mm bands (LO=507 GHz, 566.5 GHz, and 638.075 GHz). After preliminary satellite design study, we should reduce sub-mm antenna size (80-100 cm down to 75 cm) and minimize the size of 4K cooled part. By choosing higher frequency band (LO=763.5 GHz), we concluded almost same (or better) sensitivity other than CO and BrO with (LO=638.075 GHz, and 763.5 GHz). Expected SMILES-2 data are: Horizontal wind (30-150 km), Temperature (15-150 km), O3, all O3 isotopes, O atom (80-150 km), H2O (20-100 km), HO2, OH, HCl, ClO, HOCl, BrO, N2O, NO, NO2, HNO3, CH3CN, HCN, and volcanic enhanced SO2.