

[EJ] 口頭発表

セッション記号 A (大気水圏科学) » A-HW 水文・陸水・地下水学・水環境

[A-HW23] 流域の地下水・地表水における滞留時間と水・物質循環プロセス

2018年5月24日(木) 09:00 〜 10:30 106 (幕張メッセ国際会議場 1F)

コンビーナ:辻村 真貴(筑波大学生命環境系)、水垣 滋(国立研究開発法人土木研究所寒地土木研究所)、勝山 正則(京都大学農学研究科、共同)、Gusyev Maksym(International Centre for Water Hazard Risk Management, Public Works Research Institute)、座長:Maksym Gusyev勝山 正則

09:05 〜 09:20

[AHW23-01] Residence times of water and chemical flows in a karst spring

★Invited Papers

*Michael Kilgour Stewart1Uwe Morgenstern2Maksym Gusyev3Joseph Thomas4 (1.Aquifer Dynamics & GNS, PO Box 30368, Lower Hutt, New Zealand、2.GNS Science, Lower Hutt, New Zealand、3.International Centre for Water Hazard and Risk Management (ICHARM), PWRI, Tsukuba, Japan、4.Tasman District Council, Richmond, New Zealand)

キーワード:Mean residence time (MRT), Spring, Tritium, CFCs, Chloride

Residence times have been estimated using tritium, CFCs and stable isotopes in a large karst spring (Te Waikoropupu Springs, Golden Bay, New Zealand, Stewart and Thomas, 2008).This spring system, with its discharge of 14 m3/s, is representative of the flow paths over a large catchment. Combined with flow and chemical measurements, these lead to a steady-state (or average) model of the flows in the watershed. The model shows that the spring is fed by two different flow systems, each drawn in different amounts from three sources (high and low altitude rainfall, and river seepage). δ18O and chloride measurements identify the proportions of each of these flow systems. Monte Carlo estimation methods were then applied to determine the residence times of the spring and its two component flow systems and their uncertainties. Fig. 1 shows simulations to the tritium concentrations measured in the spring using exponential piston flow mixing models for each flow system. The mean residence time of the spring was 9.6 ± 5.0 years, and that for the component flow systems were 1.3 ± 0.7 years and 12.3 ± 6.7 years respectively.