

[EE] Eveningポスター発表

セッション記号 A (大気水圏科学) » A-GE 地質環境・土壌環境

[A-GE30] エネルギ・環境・水ネクサスと持続的発展

2018年5月21日(月) 17:15 〜 18:30 ポスター会場 (幕張メッセ国際展示場 7ホール)

コンビーナ:張 銘(産業技術総合研究所地質調査総合センター地圏資源環境研究部門)、川本 健(埼玉大学大学院理工学研究科)、薛 強(中国科学院武漢岩土力学研究所、共同)、Jet-Chau Wen(National Yunlin University)

[AGE30-P05] Heat and ultrasound enhanced degradation of DB71 direct azo dyes using biotite-activated persulfate process

*Chih-Huang Weng1Yi-An Pan1Yao-Tung Lin2 (1.I-Shou University、2.National Chung Hsing University)

キーワード:Biotite, persulfate, direct azo dye, decolorization, ultrasound

Despite the abundance of Fe-content minerals, relatively little is studied regarding the use of it as persulfate (PS) activator in decontamination purposes. This study investigated the use of persulfate oxidation activated with biotite (BT/PS) for degradation of an azo dye Direct Blue 71, which is difficult to be oxidized biologically. Experimental results showed that either thermally activated PS or ultrasound-activated PS was barely effective in oxidizing DB17. However, PS activated with powdered biotite enabled true color of ADMI reducing from 12,480 to 4,505, which is due mainly to the production of SO4–• radicals in the process. When BT/PS coupled with a 20-min US (20 kHz, 88W/cm2) period, cavitation effect derived from US irradiation caused more Fe2+ releasing from biotite available for generating more SO4–• radicals, thereby drastically decreasing ADMI further to 480 within 40 min treatment. Complete decolorization achieved within 10 min in BT/PS that combined with heat (BT/PS/60°C). Results also indicated that the oxidation power of the PS/Fe0 process was determined by duration of US irradiation and reaction temperature. Based on the first-order decolorization rate constants, an activation energy (19.68 kcal/mol) was estimated, implying the BT/PS process is better performed at higher temperature for the DB71 decolorization. In process BT/PS/60°C, the DB71 was completely mineralized after 50 min based on the depletion of COD and the disappearance of aromatic groups of UV–vis spectra. The estimated operating cost of BT/PS/60°C in considering the cost of Na2SO8 and biotite is only 0.21 USD/m3 for treating elevated temperature of fresh dye effluent, indicating the practical effectiveness of the process. Completely achieving ADMI decolorization under an application of 20 min-US resulted in a substantial increase in electricity (2.76 USD/m3). This study demonstrates that biotite activated PS combined with either ultrasound and heat is a promising process for the treatment of fresh dye wastewater, in particular as containing DB71.