

[JJ] Eveningポスター発表

セッション記号 H (地球人間圏科学) » H-GG 地理学

[H-GG01] 自然資源・環境の利用・変化・管理:社会科学と地球科学の接点

2018年5月20日(日) 17:15 〜 18:30 ポスター会場 (幕張メッセ国際展示場 7ホール)

コンビーナ:古市 剛久(北海道大学農学研究院)、佐々木 達(宮城教育大学)、上田 元(一橋大学・大学院社会学研究科、共同)、大月 義徳(東北大学大学院理学研究科地学専攻環境地理学講座)

[HGG01-P01] A Study on Morizum Existent in Everyday Life and Nature

*向 瓊瑩1古谷 勝則1Liu Chengyu1Meng Die1Min Kyung Hun1朱 倩齢1石崎 達也1Zhang Fumeng1Pratiwi Prita Indah1 (1.千葉大学)

キーワード:もリズム、自然、写真、可視化性質、ショット サイズ


Over nearly ten thousand years of evolution and a thousand years of civilization, humans have been unable to live without nature; living in nature was originally part of a happy life. However, in pursuing a life of convenience and half a century of urban development, we have moved gradually further away from nature and forests. Nowadays, people are more stressed in the absence of nature, and to recover its healing and positive powers, many choose a lifestyle consistent with the natural rhythms of life: the concept of “Morizum.”

The aim of this study is to prove that modern people’s natural intimacy with the earth has been awakened and are using and benefiting from nature in their lives.

Study Methods

In October 2017, 248 photographs were submitted to Instagram (a popular SNS application) with the #morizum hashtag. First, we described each photograph in three to five simple words that represented their typical feature. Second, we categorized these words into nine main element groups—Nature, Plants, Light and Shadow, Culture and Feeling, Interior and Exterior Decoration, Food, Color, Artificial Landscape, and Others—and calculated the frequency of each and performed a factor analysis. Finally, we calculated the frequency of the groups Indoors or Outdoors, Scale, Artificial or Natural and analyzed them as humanistic indicators. JMPver13 was used for statistical analysis.


The most frequent occurrence among the nine main element groups was Plants, which occurred 328 times (29.31%). Other frequently occurring groups were: Nature, appearing 188 times (16.80%); Interior and Exterior Decoration, 168 times (15.01%); and Culture and Feeling, 150 times (13.40%). The remaining groups were as follows: 76 (6.25%) occurrences of Artificial Landscape, 56 (5%) of Light and Shadow, 49 (4.30%) of Food, and 25 (2.23%) of Color. Words that could not be categorized were assigned to the Others group, which appeared 79 times (7.06%). (See Figure 1.)

[Figure 1 about here]

According to the analysis of the physical characteristics in the 248 photographs, 46.37% were medium-range views, 22.18% were distant views, and 31.45% were close-ups. Comparing indoor and outdoor photographs, indoor ones accounted for 29.03% and outdoor for 70.97%. We also classified photographs into artificial-related and nature-related characteristics, and among the 1,119 keywords, 511 (45.67%) were considered to be human-related, and 608 (54.33%) nature-related. (See Figure 2.)

[Figure 2 about here]


We can deduce several points from our findings. First, it is easier for people to associate the concept of Morizum with nature and plants. Second, observing the shot sizes in photographs, we found that medium-range landscape views were the most popular. Third, as there were more outdoor photographs, people experienced Morizum more easily when outside. Fourth, the similar number of artificial- and nature-related photographs indicates that natural factors have become part of people's way of life. Finally, the high frequency of photographs related to Interior and Exterior Decoration also show how people have made good use of nature.