Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2018

Presentation information

[JJ] Evening Poster

H (Human Geosciences) » H-TT Technology & Techniques

[H-TT19] New Developments in Shallow Geophysics

Thu. May 24, 2018 5:15 PM - 6:30 PM Poster Hall (International Exhibition Hall7, Makuhari Messe)

convener:Kyosuke Onishi(Public Works Research Institute), Kunio Aoike(Oyo corporation), Keisuke Inoue(国立研究開発法人 農業・食品産業技術総合研究機構, 共同), Tishiyuki Yokota(National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)

[HTT19-P11] Surveying the shallow structure of paved roads using multi-channel ground-penetrating radar

*Kyosuke Onishi1, Hiroshi Kisanuki1, Takanori Ogahara1, Tomio INAZAKI1 (1.Public Works Research Institute)

Keywords:multi-channel ground-penetrating radar, NMO, pavement

Multi-channel ground-penetrating radar (GPR) can recently acquire a lot of data under paved roads with high density. Intervals between faces of antennas and roads require frequently some clearances to keep high scanning speed. However, the clearance makes strong multiple reflections on acquired radar records. We acquired multi-channel GPR records with GNSS measurements on a round test pavement in PWRI using GPR equipment designed with a ground coupled type. Acquired multi-channel records have little noise from multiple reflections and boundaries of underground road constructions are clearly classified. Different offsets of distance between transmitters and receivers are included in the multi-channel records and RMS velocities down to target boundaries can be estimated. NMO correction was applied for all GPR data using the estimated propagation velocities. Reflection events from boundaries of road formation are clearly identified in a depth slice section.