

[JJ] Eveningポスター発表

セッション記号 S (固体地球科学) » S-VC 火山学

[S-VC40] 火山防災の基礎と応用

2018年5月24日(木) 17:15 〜 18:30 ポスター会場 (幕張メッセ国際展示場 7ホール)

コンビーナ:吉本 充宏(山梨県富士山科学研究所)、宝田 晋治(産業技術総合研究所活断層・火山研究部門)、石峯 康浩(鹿児島大学地域防災教育研究センター、共同)、久保 智弘(防災科学技術研究所)

[SVC40-P01] Development of a GIS tool for viewing volcanic and tectonic data in Japan

*佐藤 功二1小川 佳子1久田 泰広1出村 裕英1阿部 華菜1三浦 哲2 (1.公立大学法人会津大学、2.東北大学大学院理学研究科)

We have difficulties in direct observations of subsurface magma-movements. Instead, we can collect indirect information about the magmatic activity by using a lot of observation data and analyses data. Various kinds of volcanic and tectonic data have been accumulated with various formats. It is not easy for us to check all the data manually at a time.

The goal of this study is to develop a GIS tool for searching and viewing volcanic and tectonic data in Japan. Earthquake and crustal deformation data are installed in the system. Crustal deformation data are provided by Interferometric SAR (InSAR) analysis and Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) observation. The tool we developed visualizes such information on maps and graphs on the browser. HTML, JavaScript and CSS are used for the data processing or web browser design. Cesium is used as the mapping framework. Dygraphs is used for plotting data. Both of Cesium and Dygraphs are JavaScript Open-Source-Library.

Seismic data are mapped on the base layers with round marks. The diameter of the mark shows magnitude. The color of the mark represents the depth of epicenter. By clicking the mark, the user can get the minute information about the earthquake occurred at the location appeared as the text on the screen.

InSAR analysis data (image) is overlaid on the map. The transparency of the image can be adjusted for super-positioning or comparison of plural images. The user can get pixel values from the overlaid InSAR image. The value shows crustal deformation by cm in the satellite LOS direction. In addition, if the user clicks two points in a single image, the difference between the values of the two pixels, that is relative displacement, is calculated and displayed on the screen.

Crustal deformation data by GNSS observation is plotted in graphs. The user can see the time-series of displacement at the ground stations in the three directions (east-west, north-south and up-down) where the range of axes dynamically changes in response to the mouse cursor movement by the user. The optional function of drawing error bars is also implemented.

In future, we plan to install more kinds of data for better evaluation and estimation of volcanic activity. When a lot of data are installed, building of database is inevitable for simple management of them. Migration of this system to web-GIS is our next step where anyone can use the tool anytime and anywhere through the internet.