

[JJ] Eveningポスター発表

セッション記号 U (ユニオン) » ユニオン

[U-05] 地球惑星科学における学術出版の将来

2018年5月22日(火) 17:15 〜 18:30 ポスター会場 (幕張メッセ国際展示場 7ホール)

コンビーナ:川幡 穂高(東京大学 大気海洋研究所)、小田 啓邦(産業技術総合研究所地質情報研究部門)

[U05-P01] Perspective for Progress in Earth and Planetary Science (PEPS)

*川幡 穂高1 (1.東京大学 大気海洋研究所)

キーワード:展望、Progress in Earth and Planetary Science、日本地球惑星科学連合、ジャーナル企画経営委員

PEPS (Progress in Earth and Planetary Science) is our official scientific journal established in April 2014 in partnership with Springer. It is an English-language peer-reviewed open access e-journal. As of the end of 2017 it has published over 150 high quality scientific articles authored by over 1,000 researchers. Our papers have been accessed more than a quarter of a million times and citations continue to steadily increase.

PEPS is devoted to original articles and reviews in the research fields of space and planetary sciences; atmospheric and hydrospheric sciences; human geosciences; solid earth sciences; and bio-geosciences. It is intended to cover a wider field than the usual specialist journals, thus attracting students and research scientists globally.

PEPS has focused on review articles (about one third of our papers are reviews), together with top-level scientific articles, and SPEPS (= Special Publication Excellent Paper for Science) article collections where we actively recruit papers on topics that we think will be of particular interest to both specialists and the general research community.

PEPS welcomes articles which use electronic attachments to enrich their content, including videos, animations, and large original data files. Also it started to publish “Paper with full data attached”, which is interested in large data set with some attractive topics.

PEPS has been accepted for indexing in the Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) database, one of the major databases of the Clarivate Analytics (formerly Thompson Reuters) Web of Science as well as Scopus database. We expect that our first Impact Factor will be announced next summer.

PEPS has been publishing by JpGU and 50 JpGU participating societies. PEPS would like to make much effort with all of you to publish your important new research results in future. Also JpGU has been promoting several partner international journals operated by JpGU participating Japanese societies.

Journal Steering and Planning Committee, Japan Geoscience Union