

[JJ] 口頭発表

セッション記号 H (地球人間圏科学) » H-SC 社会地球科学・社会都市システム

[H-SC05] 地球温暖化防止と地学(CO2地中貯留・有効利用、地球工学)

2018年5月23日(水) 10:45 〜 12:15 201B (幕張メッセ国際会議場 2F)

コンビーナ:徂徠 正夫(国立研究開発法人産業技術総合研究所地圏資源環境研究部門)、薛 自求(公益財団法人 地球環境産業技術研究機構)、愛知 正温(東京大学大学院新領域創成科学研究科)、座長:徂徠 正夫(国立研究開発法人産業技術総合研究所)

12:00 〜 12:15

[HSC05-12] Detection of CO2 bubbles in shallow sea using side-scan sonar (SSS)

*西村 真1内本 圭亮1薛 自求1 (1.公益財団法人地球環境産業技術研究機構)


An important issue for geological storage of carbon dioxide (CO2) is how to detect leakagea marine environmental impact assessment for offshore storage into deep aquifers. In the case of the sub-seabed storage of CO2, not only the geological structures around the deep reservoir but also the sea areas above it should be monitored to verify that the CO2 is retained in the reservoir, or that there is no signs of CO2 leakage. The monitoring would help gain public acceptance, as well as it is required by a law, Act on Prevention of Marine Pollution and Maritime Disaster, in Japan. Since CO2 is in its gaseous phase at temperature and pressure of the bottom of shallow sea, gaseous CO2 or CO2 bubbles would be likely to leak out into the water column should CO2 leakage occur in shallow sea. Thus, a promising way to detect CO2 leakage in the marine environment is to find CO2 bubbles in the water column. It is well known that some kinds of sonar can be used to detect bubbles in the water column. Among those kinds of sonar is side-scan sonar (SSS), which is suitable for a sweeping search. Although CO2 bubbles are easy to dissolve into seawater, and consequently to diminish quickly, we have confirmed that SSS can detect CO2 bubbles in the previous year. Detailed ability of SSS for detecting CO2 bubbles, however, remains to be studied.

To specify feasible conditions for detecting CO2 bubbles with SSS, we conducted comprehensive experiments at the innermost part of Suruga Bay, where it is about 32 meters deep. In the experiments, we released CO2 bubbles at the seabed and observed them with SSS towed in the water column by a fishing vessel. The release rate was set between 500 ml/min and 5,000 ml/min, the initial diameter of the bubbles was set to be about 5 mm orand 7 mm, the speed of the vessel was set between 3 knots and 6 knots, the depth of towed SSS were was set from 10 m above the seabed to near the sea surface, and the horizontal distance between SSS and the release point were was set from 0 to 50 m.

Through the experiments, the following were revealed. First, SSS can detect CO2 bubbles only within the circle whose center is SSS and whose radius is the altitude of SSS (the distance between SSS and the seabed beneath it). Second, the detectability improves as the release rates increases and the vessel speed decreases. Third, the detectability does not greatly depend on the initial size of the bubbles. In conclusion, when the vessel towing SSS cruises at a speed of 5 knots or smaller than it, CO2 leakage whose leakage rate is equal to or larger than 500 – 1000 ml/min could be detected with SSS. We would like to emphasize that this leakage rate, corresponding to about 2 - 4 tonnesCO2/year (depending on water temperature and pressure), is tiny compared with the injection rate at demonstration scale storage, not mention to commercial scale storage.