

[JJ] ポスター発表

セッション記号 H (地球人間圏科学) » H-SC 社会地球科学・社会都市システム

[H-SC05] 地球温暖化防止と地学(CO2地中貯留・有効利用、地球工学)

2018年5月23日(水) 13:45 〜 15:15 ポスター会場 (幕張メッセ国際展示場 7ホール)

コンビーナ:徂徠 正夫(国立研究開発法人産業技術総合研究所地圏資源環境研究部門)、薛 自求(公益財団法人 地球環境産業技術研究機構)、愛知 正温(東京大学大学院新領域創成科学研究科)

[HSC05-P10] Structure, Diversity, and Carbon Stock of Woody Plants after Agriculture Abandonment in Wetland

*Wathinee Suanpaga1Sapit Diloksumpun1Montathip Sommeechai1Sakhan Teejuntuk1 (1.Department of Silviculture, Faculty of Forestry, Kasetsart University)

キーワード:Stand Structure, Plant Diversity, Carbon Stock, Woody Plant, Wetland, Agriculture Abandonment

Bang Kachao green space, the most important urban forest near Bangkok, the capital of Thailand, is the wetland on the alluvial plain of the Chao Phraya River. After the agriculture abandonment, various plants are succeeding and growing in Bang Kachao green space. This research aimed to assess the structure, diversity, and carbon stock of woody plants in three sub-districts – Bang Yo (BY), Bang Ko Bua (BKB), and Bang Krasop (BKS) sub-district. Four sample plots, 40 x 40 m-sizes, were established in each sub-district. The results found that vertical structure of woody plants had three layers in BY and BKB and two layers in BKS. The Shannon diversity index (H) of woody trees and saplings among BY, BKB, and BKS were non-significant different. The H and density of seedlings in BY and BKB were significantly (p<0.05) higher than in BKS. The density of saplings in BY and BKB was significantly (p<0.05) higher than in BKS, besides, height and diameter at 1.30 m above ground of saplings in BKS were significantly (p<0.05) higher than in BY and BKB. Moreover, the biomass and carbon stock of woody plants in BY and BKB were significantly (p<0.05) higher than in BKS. These may be caused by the different tidal current whereas the tidal current in BKS is following the tidal current of Chao Phraya River but the tidal current in BY and BKB are controlled by the floodgates. These can be the information of woody plant during succession following agriculture abandonment and can be used for further urban forest management in this wetland.