

[EJ] 口頭発表

セッション記号 M (領域外・複数領域) » M-IS ジョイント

[M-IS08] 地球掘削科学

2018年5月22日(火) 09:00 〜 10:30 コンベンションホールB(CH-B) (幕張メッセ国際会議場 2F)

コンビーナ:山田 泰広(海洋研究開発機構 海洋掘削科学研究開発センター)、黒田 潤一郎(東京大学大気海洋研究所 海洋底科学部門)、氏家 恒太郎(筑波大学生命環境系、共同)、菅沼 悠介(国立極地研究所)、座長:氏家 恒太郎(筑波大学生命環境系)、山田 泰広(JAMSTEC)

09:15 〜 09:30

[MIS08-02] Deep Igneous Rock Biosphere Unveiled beneath Ultra-Oligotrophic South Pacific Gyre Sediments

*鈴木 庸平1 (1.東京大学大学院理学系研究科)

キーワード:Deep biosphere、IODP

The upper oceanic crust is composed of basaltic lava and overlying sediment. The aged basaltic basement is considered to be inhospitable for microbial life, because the apparent energy source is lacking. By drilling >10-million-years-old basaltic basement underneath oxygenated, ultra-oligotrophic sediments in South Pacific Gyre, microbial communities were profiled by single-gene analysis. The dominant occurrence of microorganisms phylogenetically affiliated within methanotrophic lineages suggests that the crustal biosphere is likely fueled by methane in the old basaltic basement. The dense colonization of endolithic life was observed for the first time in the deep basaltic basement. Given that the areal coverage of basaltic basement overlain by oxygenated sediments reaches up to 25% on Earth, we conclude that microbial life is widespread in the upper oceanic crust.