

[JJ] 口頭発表

セッション記号 M (領域外・複数領域) » M-IS ジョイント

[M-IS19] 大気電気学

2018年5月22日(火) 13:45 〜 15:15 201A (幕張メッセ国際会議場 2F)

コンビーナ:芳原 容英(電気通信大学 大学院情報理工学研究科)、鴨川 仁(東京学芸大学教育学部物理学科)、座長:森本 健志鴨川 仁(東京学芸大学 教育学部 自然科学系基礎自然科学講座 物理科学分野)

14:30 〜 14:45

[MIS19-04] Accuracy verification of lightning charge moment and lightning charge height remotely estimated by ELF observations using lightning current measurements at wind turbine

*村井 峻1芳原 容英1箕浦 史登2吉田 遼大郎2三塚 洋明2成田 知巳3石井 勝4斎藤 幹久6夏野 大輔5 (1.電気通信大学、2.東京電力パワーグリッド、3.湘南工科大学、4.東京大学、5.東洋設計、6.電力中央研究所)

キーワード:ELF transients、charge moment、lightning charge、charge height、lightning current、wind turbine

In this paper, estimation accuracy of the lightning charge moment change (Qds) derived from the ELF magnetic field observation is reported. Horizontal magnetic waveforms in the ELF frequency rage (0.1 ~ 1 kHz) are continuously recorded in Moshiri, Hokkaido, and ELF electromagnetic radiations from powerful lightning discharges so-called ELF transients are observed. Qds of these lightning discharges are estimated remotely (till few hundred ~ 1000 km from the lightning source) by an integration of current moment I(t)ds in time also derived by ELF transients. In this paper eight lightning events were studied, and Qds of every lightning stroke was derived. Then estimated Qds from ELF measurement were compared with the lightning charge (Q) based on the electric current waveforms I(t) locally measured in wind turbine facilities by NEDO. As a result, extremely high cross-correlation coefficient was obtained between Qds (I(t)ds)from ELF and Q (I(t)) from wind turbine. We also calculated the height of charge lowered to the ground ds (dividing Qds (ELF) by Q (wind turbine)). Although ds has a considerable variation between lightning discharges, it was revealed that the charge height is located at around -10 ° C to -20 ° C in most events, which agree well with the charge structure of typical thunderstorm cells.