

[JJ] ポスター発表

セッション記号 M (領域外・複数領域) » M-ZZ その他

[M-ZZ41] 海底マンガン鉱床の科学:基礎から応用まで

2018年5月23日(水) 13:45 〜 15:15 ポスター会場 (幕張メッセ国際展示場 7ホール)

コンビーナ:臼井 朗(高知大学海洋コア総合研究センター)、高橋 嘉夫(東京大学大学院理学系研究科地球惑星科学専攻)、鈴木 勝彦(国立研究開発法人海洋研究開発機構・海底資源研究開発センター、共同)、伊藤 孝(茨城大学教育学部)

[MZZ41-P04] Vertical profile of neodymium isotopic composition in the oceanic region close to the Takuyo-Daigo Seamount

*天川 裕史1深海 雄介1鳥本 淳司1野崎 達生2飯島 耕一2臼井 朗3鈴木 勝彦2 (1.独立行政法人海洋研究開発機構 次世代海洋資源調査技術研究開発プロジェクトチーム 成因研究ユニット、2.海洋研究開発機構海底資源研究開発センター、3.高知大学海洋コア総合研究センター)


Ferromanganese crusts, which are chemical precipitates occurring on the ocean floor and seamount, are known to be rich in lanthanides including neodymium (Nd). The major source of lanthanides in the surface layer ferromanganese crust is ambient seawater. However, whether the lanthanides in ferromanganese crusts are supplied from ambient seawater or from the whole water column above ferromanganese crusts were not clearly presented. To identify the source of lanthanides (Nd) in the surface layer of ferromanganese crusts, the vertical profile of seawater Nd isotopic composition was determined for a location near the Takuyo-Daigo Seamount (21°59.2´N, 153°56.0´E) in the northwest Pacific Ocean. The data were compared with those of the surface layer ferromanganese crust obtained from the Takuyo-Daigo Seamount by remotely operated vehicles (ROVs), whose sampling depths ranged from 965 m to 5385 m. The seawater Nd isotopic composition profile was similar to the surface layer Nd isotopic composition of ferromanganese crusts within analytical errors. This confirms that Nd in the surface layer of ferromanganese crusts is supplied directly by ambient seawater.