Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2018

Presentation information

[JJ] Oral

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[O-06] The connection between earth sciences and society by Geoparks -Results and issues in the past decade-

Sun. May 20, 2018 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM International Conference Room (IC) (2F International Conference Hall, Makuhari Messe)

convener:Noritaka Matsubara(Graduate School of Regional Resource Management, University of Hyogo), Yayoi ICHIHASHI(Sado City Board of Education), Hokuto Obara(Mine秋吉台ジオパーク推進協議会, 共同), Marekazu Ohno(Unzen Volcanic Area Geopark Promotion Office), Chairperson:Ichihashi Yayoi, Obara Hokuto, Hirata Kazuhiko, Imai Hiroko, Matsubara Noritaka(兵庫県立大学大学院)

4:30 PM - 5:00 PM

[O06-06] Necessity in re-assemblage of Japanese geopark concept: a lesson from the context of the Lesvos international intensive course on geoparks

★Invited Papers

*Katsuhiko Asahi1, Hikari Shiba2, Atsuko Niina3 (1.Izu Peninsula Geopark Promotion Council, 2.Sakurajima-Kinkowan Geopark Promotion Council Office, 3.Tottori University of Environmental Studies)

Keywords:UNESCO global geopark, Global geopark network, Sustainable development, International intensive course on geoparks, Concept re-assemblage

The authors have participated on the international intensive course on geoprks held in the Lesvos Island UNESCO global geopark. Through this opportunity, GGN committee members emphasized the concept of the UNESCO global geopark of the three pillars; protection, education, and sustainable development. For this purpose, the connection with all aspects of the area’s natural, cultural, and intangible heritage is required. The geoprak is the area that the practice of these concepts in order to realize sustainable local communities. The Lesvos Island UNESCO global geopark is recognized as an advanced case of the geopark. They conduct the practice, such as women’s empowerment, local and indigenous products, and local people’s commitment. The goal of the geopark is sustainable development of local communities, then the geopark activities are not primary acquitted from geology or so-called geostory.

These UNESCO/GGN story is best fit with developing countries or areas, then we, Japanese geoprks, are not able to adopt this concept totally. However, in many cases, the Japanese geoparks are detached with the concept led by UNESCO/GGN since we particularly regard or execute highlight on geostories. Hence the authors believe that we are required to reassemble the concept for the next decade. There is a gap among the UNESCO/GGN too since that we often intend the enhancement of increasing in visitors in order to local development in geoparks. Each UGGp would be constrained in the UNESCO/GGN concept through the self-evaluation system. Japanese Geoperks Network follows it. Therefore not only the UGGp in Japan but the Japanese national geoparks would also be required to seriously reassemble the goal concept for the next decade.