Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2018

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[O-06] The connection between earth sciences and society by Geoparks -Results and issues in the past decade-

Sun. May 20, 2018 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM Poster Hall (International Exhibition Hall7, Makuhari Messe)

convener:Noritaka Matsubara(Graduate School of Regional Resource Management, University of Hyogo), Yayoi ICHIHASHI(Sado City Board of Education), Hokuto Obara(Mine秋吉台ジオパーク推進協議会, 共同), Marekazu Ohno(Unzen Volcanic Area Geopark Promotion Office)

[O06-P20] The widespread effect of Geostory caused by the showing of the Geopark movie

*kubo takashi1, Akira Takeuchi2 (1.kurobe yoshida science museum, 2.Tateyama Kurobe Geopark)


The most important measure for Geopark is to spread its Geostory to the world. The reason is because without understanding the geostory, one cannot understand the geosite, and as a result, one cannot preserve the geosite. Of course, geotours cannot be organized if geosites have been destroyed. Until now, tests to introduce geostory, such as various publications and lectures, have been conducted, and a definite widespread effect has been verified. However, there has been a drawback. With publications and lectures being able to propagate the geostory among people who have already had an interest in geopark from the start, they have not been able to spread geostory among the people who have little interest in geopark. To resolve this problem, we have developed a method to popularize geostory through entertainment.

(Purpose and Method)

With the purposes of spreading Tateyama Kurobe Geopark’s geostory and rousing desire to participate in geotours, Tateyama Kurobe Geopark has created a movie (movie title: Mountain of Swords). We created this film aimed for younger audiences and provided scenes with scientific explanations for people who have little interest in science to also be able to systematically understand geostories and to attract customers who up until now have had little interest in geopark.

To have viewers undergo a simulated experience, we conducted filming with special machinery and projected the movie on a dome-shaped screen.


Below are the results of a survey taken by viewers

Survey results
Variation in customers Age of viewers before screening Elementary school students: 40% 30s: 15% 40s: 20% Other/no response: 15% Age of viewers after screening 60s 24% 70 and up: 23% 40s: 17% 50s: 11% Elementary school students: 11% Evaluation of movie “Very good” / “Good”: 92% “Neutral” / No response: 8% “Bad”: 0% Do viewers know of Geopark? “Yes”: 42% “I have heard of Geopark”: 32% “No”: 25% No response: 1% Would viewers like to know more about Geopark or go on a Geotour? “Yes”: 89% “No”: 9% No response: 2%
Although there was a small number of viewers, they were able to independently see a geotour of the geosite conducted at the location of the movie.


From the survey results, we have observed that the geopark movie has significantly changed the group of visitors who visit the screening facility (Kurobe Yoshida Science Museum), and it has become clear that the movie was able to bring in customers with an interest in geopark. In addition, the results suggested that we were able to make visitors with no interest in geopark hold interest and want to visit the site of the movie.


The geopark movie permeated the geostory and roused interest in geotours. After conducting high-quality geotours, we were able to lay good groundwork.