

[EJ] 口頭発表

セッション記号 S (固体地球科学) » S-MP 岩石学・鉱物学

[S-MP37] 変形岩・変成岩とテクトニクス

2018年5月21日(月) 13:45 〜 15:15 A04 (東京ベイ幕張ホール)

コンビーナ:中村 佳博(国立研究開発法人産業技術総合研究所 地質調査総合センター)、針金 由美子(産業技術総合研究所)、座長:針金 由美子(産総研)

13:45 〜 14:00

[SMP37-12] 北米フランシスカン帯の局所ホウ素同位体分析による前弧蛇紋岩の実像

*山田 千夏1辻森 樹1木村 純一2常 青2 (1.東北大学、2.海洋研究開発機構・地球内部物質循環研究分野)


Serpentinite is one of the characteristic rocks in convergent plate margins. What are the boron isotopic signatures of the forearc serpentinites in the Northern California Coast Ranges? Do the boron isotopic signature show regional and/or lithological differences? Does the boron isotope distinguish the tectonic origin of the serpentinite? In order to understand hydrated forearc mantle of subduction zones, we investigated twenty serpentinites form six localities (Edgewood Park, San Jose, Northern Diablo Range, New Idria, Ring Mountain and Cedars) of the Northern California Coast Range, with a specific focus on boron isotope systematics; we applied newly developed in-situ isotope analysis technique by LA-MC-ICPMS.
Boron concentration and isotpe composition of serpenines in the investigated serpentinites show a large variation (B=3-239 µg/g, δ11B=-12.0 to +24.4 ‰). Serpentinites with blueschist-facies high-pressure metamorphic rocks is characterized by lighter boron isotope, with negative δ11B values. In contrast, massive serpentinites without high-pressure metamorphic rocks show heavier boron isotope, with positive δ11B values. Considering the geological context and the fact that serpentinites with higher δ11B values are enriched in boron, the isotope trend in forearc serpentinites can be explained essentially by fluid evolution via a Rayleigh fractionation during progressive dehydration of subducting slab. However, detailed evaluations in Edgewood Park with the largest isotope variation have led to an interpretation of multi- source of fluids that have facilitated serpentinization at different environments. Moreover, a mineralogical assessment on relict mantle minerals in serpentinites found a possibility that the δ11B values correlate with the degree of partial melting of original peridotite before the serpentinization.