

[EE] 口頭発表

セッション記号 U (ユニオン) » ユニオン

[U-04] 国際的・分野横断的な視点からみた地球科学分野の女性研究者の雇用とワークライフバランス

2018年5月21日(月) 15:30 〜 17:00 103 (幕張メッセ国際会議場 1F)

コンビーナ:原田 尚美(国立研究開発法人海洋研究開発機構)、堀 利栄(愛媛大学理工学研究科理学系)、小口 千明(埼玉大学大学院理工学研究科、共同)、宋 苑瑞(法政大学経済学部)、座長:原田 尚美堀 利栄宋 苑瑞

15:35 〜 15:50

[U04-01] Role models for promoting mobility in the career of women scientists in geosciences

★Invited Papers

*Magdalini Theodoridou1Giovanna Avellis2 (1.School of Engineering, Cardiff University, Wales, UK、2.InnovaPuglia SpA, Research Division, Valenzano, Italy)

キーワード:role models, mobility, women scientists, geosciences

Does mobility play an important role on a scientist’s career? There have been quite a few debates and projects based on extended surveys aiming at understanding the impact of mobility on a scientific career. Even though these issues are sensitive to the country and the scientific field, there is a general belief in the scientific community that there is a connection between mobility and scientific excellence. Mobility has demonstrated to be partly gender sensitive and this needs to be addressed in some way in order to ensure at least equal opportunities to male and female scientists regarding possibilities and benefits offered by mobility programmes.

Marie Curie Alumni Association is a non-profit organisation with the purpose of promoting and exploiting the full potential of the community of researchers who have benefitted in terms of mobility from the PEOPLE programme of the 7th FP of the EU for research, technological development and demonstration activities (2007-2013), its successors (HORIZON 2020 Maria Skłodowska Curie Actions) and its predecessors, and to foster greater public awareness of European research. The Gender Equality for Mobile Researchers in Science (GEMS) Working Group of MCAA focuses on the networking of women in science and technology paying special interest to their mobility, as well as on providing mentoring support to those women, who do or plan to do their research abroad by the use of Role Models. Reading about successful scientists who have achieved a healthy work-life balance while moving to new locations is particularly helpful for those individuals considering mobility in their own career. The availability of role models who have triumphed over similar situations can be inspiring for them.

To this purpose, GEMS has developed an ebook on Role Models of women in science (MCAA members) reporting the good and bad news of their mobility stories in Europe and outside; many of them are women scientists in geosciences [1]. All of the women whose stories are included herein agree that mobility is an enriching experience from both the point of view of their personal lives and their careers. Additionally, GEMS participates in a Women Networking and Mobility project, funded by the Alexander von Humbolt foundation. One of the project's objectives is the development of new ebooks on Female Role Models and the role of mobility in their careers and the design of a portal and supporting database of Role Models from several Women in Science organisations in a similar way of AcademiaNet, which will facilitate the networking activities for mentoring support and the dissemination and exploitation of project results [2].


[1] Role Models for Mobility of MCAA women scientists, eds. G. Avellis & R. Chmielowski. https://www.mariecuriealumni.eu/library/role-models-mobility-mcaa-women-scientists

[2] www.therolemodels.net, project managers I. Didenkulova & G. Avellis