Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2019

Presentations by Keyword

Keywords : 古気候

18 results (11 - 18)

  • [J] Oral
  • |M (Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary)
  • | M-IS Intersection

Thu. May 30, 2019 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM 304 (3F)

convener:Yusuke Okazaki(Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Graduate School of Science, Kyushu University), Akira Oka(Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo), Michinobu Kuwae(Center for Marine Environmental Studies), Hitoshi Hasegawa(Faculty of Science and Technology, Kochi University), Chairperson:Hitoshi Hasegawa

Thu. May 30, 2019 9:15 AM - 9:30 AM

*Shota Amekawa1, Hirokazu Kato1, Akihiro Kano1, Kenji Kashiwagi2, Taiki Mori3, Ryoko Senda3, Chuan–Chou Shen4 (1.Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo, 2.Graduate School of Science and Engineering for Research, University of Toyama, 3.Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Global Society, Kyushu University, 4.Department of Geosciences, National Taiwan University)

  • [J] Oral
  • |M (Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary)
  • | M-IS Intersection

Thu. May 30, 2019 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM 304 (3F)

convener:Yusuke Okazaki(Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Graduate School of Science, Kyushu University), Akira Oka(Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo), Michinobu Kuwae(Center for Marine Environmental Studies), Hitoshi Hasegawa(Faculty of Science and Technology, Kochi University), Chairperson:Hitoshi Hasegawa

  • [J] Poster
  • |M (Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary)
  • | M-IS Intersection

Thu. May 30, 2019 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM Poster Hall (International Exhibition Hall8, Makuhari Messe)

convener:Yusuke Okazaki(Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Graduate School of Science, Kyushu University), Akira Oka(Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo), Michinobu Kuwae(Center for Marine Environmental Studies), Hitoshi Hasegawa(Faculty of Science and Technology, Kochi University)

Thu. May 30, 2019 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM

*Hiroto Kajita1,2,3,4, Naomi Harada5, Miyako Sato5, Nanako Ogawa1, Yusuke Yokoyama1,2,4, Chikako Sawada1, Yosuke Miyairi1, Masayuki Utsunomiya3, Atsushi Suzuki3, Hodaka Kawahata1,2,3 (1.Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo, Japan, 2.Department of Earth and Planetary Science, Graduate school of Science, The University of Tokyo, Japan, 3. Research Institute of Geology and Geoinformation, Geological Survey of Japan, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan, 4.Department of Biochemistry, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC), Japan, 5.Research and Development Center for Global Change, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC), Japan)

  • [J] Poster
  • |M (Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary)
  • | M-IS Intersection

Thu. May 30, 2019 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM Poster Hall (International Exhibition Hall8, Makuhari Messe)

convener:Yusuke Okazaki(Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Graduate School of Science, Kyushu University), Akira Oka(Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo), Michinobu Kuwae(Center for Marine Environmental Studies), Hitoshi Hasegawa(Faculty of Science and Technology, Kochi University)

  • [J] Poster
  • |M (Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary)
  • | M-IS Intersection

Mon. May 27, 2019 5:15 PM - 6:30 PM Poster Hall (International Exhibition Hall8, Makuhari Messe)

convener:Osamu Seki(Institute of Low Temperature Science, Hokkaido University), Akira Oka(Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo), Ryu Uemura(University of the Ryukyus), Ryosuke Makabe(National Institute of Polar Research)

Mon. May 27, 2019 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM

*Mika Ichino1,2, Yukie Hashimoto, Kooiti Masuda3, Asanobu Kitamoto2,1, Junpei Hirano4 (1.Center for Open Data in the Humanities, Joint Support-Center for Data Science Research, Research Organization of Information and Systems , 2.National Institute of Informatics, 3.Tokyo Metropolitan University, 4.Faculty of Liberal Arts, Teikyo University)

  • [J] Poster
  • |M (Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary)
  • | M-IS Intersection

Mon. May 27, 2019 5:15 PM - 6:30 PM Poster Hall (International Exhibition Hall8, Makuhari Messe)

convener:Yasuyuki Kano(Earthquake Research Institute, The University of Tokyo), Kei Yoshimura(Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo), Hiroaki Isobe(Faculty of Fine Arts, Kyoto City University of Arts), kiyomi iwahashi(National Institute of Japanese Literature)

  • [J] Poster
  • |M (Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary)
  • | M-IS Intersection

Thu. May 30, 2019 5:15 PM - 6:30 PM Poster Hall (International Exhibition Hall8, Makuhari Messe)

convener:Yusuke Okazaki(Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Graduate School of Science, Kyushu University), Akira Oka(Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo), Michinobu Kuwae(Center for Marine Environmental Studies), Hitoshi Hasegawa(Faculty of Science and Technology, Kochi University)

Thu. May 30, 2019 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM

*Hiroto Kajita1,2,3,4, Naomi Harada5, Miyako Sato5, Nanako Ogawa1, Yusuke Yokoyama1,2,4, Chikako Sawada1, Yosuke Miyairi1, Masayuki Utsunomiya3, Atsushi Suzuki3, Hodaka Kawahata1,2,3 (1.Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo, Japan, 2.Department of Earth and Planetary Science, Graduate school of Science, The University of Tokyo, Japan, 3. Research Institute of Geology and Geoinformation, Geological Survey of Japan, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan, 4.Department of Biochemistry, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC), Japan, 5.Research and Development Center for Global Change, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC), Japan)

  • [J] Poster
  • |M (Multidisciplinary and Interdisciplinary)
  • | M-IS Intersection

Thu. May 30, 2019 5:15 PM - 6:30 PM Poster Hall (International Exhibition Hall8, Makuhari Messe)

convener:Yusuke Okazaki(Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Graduate School of Science, Kyushu University), Akira Oka(Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo), Michinobu Kuwae(Center for Marine Environmental Studies), Hitoshi Hasegawa(Faculty of Science and Technology, Kochi University)