Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2019

Session information

[E] Poster

B (Biogeosciences ) » B-PT Paleontology

[B-PT04] Biomineralization and the Geochemistry of Proxies

Sun. May 26, 2019 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM Poster Hall (International Exhibition Hall8, Makuhari Messe)

convener:Takashi Toyofuku(Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC)), Hiroshi Kitazato(Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology (TUMSAT)), Jelle Bijma(Alfred-Wegener-Institut Helmholtz-Zentrum f?r Polar- und Meeresforschung), Kotaro Hirose(Faculty of Science & Engineering, Waseda University)

Biomineralization and the Geochemistry of Proxies - Biology, laboratory culture-experiments and their applications to the paleo-research -
In order to reconstruct the Earth climate system, marine paleoclimatologists resort to transfer functions or geochemical proxies, which are produced or affected by organisms. The relationships used for reconstructions are generally based on field calibrations or derived from laboratory experiments. The danger of these so-called empirical relationships is that they may be valid only within the restricted parameter space of their calibration. Application of proxy relationships to very different environmental settings (e.g. high vs. low latitude or glacial vs. interglacial) requires a mechanistic understanding of these relationships. Much progress can be expected by a better understanding of the biomineralization mechanisms and the incorporation of proxy signals.
In this session we facilitate contributions related to the biomineralization, calibration and validation of marine proxies from field study, laboratory culture experiment and paleo-environmental reconstruction.

*Christophe Fontanier1,2, Bruno Deflandre1, Sylvain Rigaud3, Sabine Schmidt1, Bastien Lamarque1, Pascal Lebleu1, Dominique Poirier1, Antoine Grémare1 (1. Bordeaux University, EPOC Laboratory, UMR CNRS 5805 OASU, F-33615 Pessac, FRANCE, 2.FORAM Research Group, F-49140 Villevêque, FRANCE, 3.Nîmes University, GIS Laboratory, EA 7352 CHROME, F-30035 Nïmes, FRANCE)

*Pauline Duros1, Christophe Fontanier1,2,3, Briony Mamo4,5, Deborah Mille6, Olivier Herlory6 (1.FORAM Research Group, F-49140 Villevêque, FRANCE, 2.Bordeaux University, EPOC Laboratory, UMR CNRS 5805 OASU, F-33615 Pessac, FRANCE, 3.Angers University, 4 boulevard Lavoisier, F-49000 Angers, FRANCE., 4.School of Biological Sciences, University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road Sai Wan, Hong Kong SAR, CHINA. , 5.Department of Biology, Macquarie University, North Ryde, NSW, 2109, AUSTRALIA., 6.CREOCEAN, Agence PACA Corse, 230 Avenue de Rome, Valparc-Bât B, F-83500 La Seyne sur Mer, FRANCE. )

*Kotaro Hirose1, Hideto Nakamura2, Takuto Ando4, Satoshi Asaoka3, Ken Sawada5 (1.Faculty of Science & Engineering, Waseda University, 2.Faculty of Science, Osaka City University, 3.Research Center for Inland Seas & Department of Planetology, Kobe University, 4.Arctic Research Center, Hokkaido University, 5.Department of Earth & Planetary Science, Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University)

*Laurie Marie Charrieau1, Helena L. Filipsson2, Yukiko Nagai1, Sachiko Kawada1, Karl Ljung2, Emma Kritzberg3, Takashi Toyofuku1,4 (1.Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, 2.Department of Geology, Lund University, Sweden, 3.Department of Biology, Lund University, Sweden, 4.Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology (TUMSAT), Japan)

*Shunichi Kinoshita1, Azumi Kuroyanagi2, Hiroshi Nishi2, Osamu Sasaki2, Kazuhiko Fujita3, Atsushi Suzuki4, Hodaka Kawahata5 (1.Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University, 2.The Tohoku University Museum, The Center for Academic Resources and Archives, Tohoku Univerity, 3.Department of Physics and Earth Sciences, Faculty of Science and Tropical Biosphere Research Center, University of the Ryukyus, 4.Geological Survey of Japan National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, 5.Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, the University of Tokyo)

*Ryuji Asami1, Tohru Naruse2, Masaru Mizuyama3, Ryu Uemura3, Ryuichi Shinjo3, Yuji Ise4, Yoshihisa Fujita5, Takashi Sakamaki6 (1.Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University, 2.Tropical Biosphere Research Center, University of the Ryukyus, 3.Faculty of Science, University of the Ryukyus, 4.Centre for Marine and Coastal Studies, Universiti Sains Malaysis, 5.Okinawa Prefectural University of Arts, 6.Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University)




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