*Koji Yamada1 (1.Hanshin Consultants co., ltd.)
Session information
[J] Poster
S (Solid Earth Sciences ) » S-SS Seismology
[S-SS12] Crustal Structure
Thu. May 30, 2019 5:15 PM - 6:30 PM Poster Hall (International Exhibition Hall8, Makuhari Messe)
convener:Kazuo Nakahigashi(Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology)
The aim of this session is to cover seismological and geophysical studies on the Earth's crust. Contribution on seismological and geophysical structure of the crust, processes that develop in the crust which include earthquakes, volcanoes and geological descriptions of the crust are welcomed. We also welcome theoretical and methodological studies that will serve as basics in such explorations.
*Akira Ishigami1, Ryota Takagi1 (1.Research Center for Prediction of Earthquakes and Volcanic Eruptions, Graduate School of Science)
*Toshihiro Igarashi1 (1.Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo)
*Ryoichi Nakamura1, Takahiro Shiina1 (1.Earthquake Research Institute, The University of Tokyo)
*Masahiro Shimazaki1, Noriko Tsumura2 (1.Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Chiba University, 2.Graduate School of Science, Chiba University)
*Yasuyuki Nakamura1, Shuichi Kodaira1, Mikiya Yamashita1, Seiichi Miura1, Gou Fujie1 (1.Japan Agency for Marine Earth Science and Technology)
*Shinobu Ito1 (1.Geological Survey of Japan, AIST)
*Yaning Liu1, Jianping Wu1, Shuxian Bao1, Xiaohong Meng2 (1.Institute of Geophysics, China Earthquake Administration, 2.China University of Geosciences (Beijing))
*Dapeng Zhao1, Haibo Wang2, Zhouchuan Huang2, Mingjie Xu2, Liangshu Wang2 (1.Department of Geophysics, Tohoku University, 2.School of Earth Sciences and Engineering, Nanjing University)
*Toya Mitsuhiro1, Koji Yamada1 (1.Hanshin Consultants Co., Ltd.)
*Masaki Uchida1, Takahiro Ohkura1, Takuo Shibutani1, Yuki Abe2, Shintaro Komatsu1, Ken'ichi Yamazaki1, Yusuke Yamashita1, Shin Yoshikawa1, Masato Iguchi1, Takeshi Tameguri1, Tadaomi Sonoda1 (1.Kyoto Univ., 2.Hot Springs Research Institute)
*Eiji Kurashimo1, Takashi Iidaka1, Noriko Tsumura2, Takaya Iwasaki1 (1.Earthquake Research Institute, the University of Tokyo, 2.Chiba University)
*Kellen Azua Quezada1, Sergio Ruiz1, Francisco Pasten-Araya2,3, José Salomón4, Pablo Salazar2,3, Miguel Saez1, César Pastén4, Felipe Leyton5, Wasja Bloch6 (1.DGF, UChile, 2.DG, UCN, 3.CIGIDEN, 4.DIC, UChile, 5.CSN, Chile, 6.GFZ)
*Masyitha Retno Budiati1, Genti Toyokuni1, Tomomi Okada1, Toru Matsuzawa1 (1.Graduate School of Science, Geophysics Department, Tohoku University)
*Toshiki Watanabe1, Hasegawa Daima1, Tanio Ito2, Ken'ichi Kano3, Susumu Abe4, Akira Fujiwara5, Yoshinori Kouchi6 (1.Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Nagoya University, 2.Association for the Development of Earthquake Prediction, 3.Shizuoka Univertity, 4.JAPEX, Co. Ltd., 5.JOGMEC, 6.Geosys, Inc.)
*Hsin-Yu Lee1, Yuancheng Gung1, Li-Wei Chen2, Ling-Yun Chiao3 (1.Department of Geosciences, National Taiwan University, Taiwan, 2.Department of Earth and Planetary Science, University of California at Berkeley, CA, USA, 3.Institute of Oceanography, National Taiwan University, Taiwan)
*Chi-Hsuan Chen1, Hsin-Hua Huang2, Lun-Tao Tong3, Wayne Lin3, Po-Tsun Lee1, Shou-Fang Chang1, Jin-Fa Lee1 (1.Cntrl. Geo. Surv., MOEA, Taiwan, 2.Inst. Earth. Sc., Acad. Sinica, Taiwan , 3.Industr. Technol. Res. Inst., Taiwan)