Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2019

Session information

[E] Oral

S (Solid Earth Sciences ) » S-IT Science of the Earth's Interior & Techtonophysics

[S-IT21] Interaction and Coevolution of the Core and Mantle in the Earth and Planets

Tue. May 28, 2019 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM A10 (TOKYO BAY MAKUHARI HALL)

convener:Kenji Kawai(Department of Earth and Planetary Science, School of Science, University of Tokyo), Tsuyoshi Iizuka(University of Tokyo), Kenji Ohta(Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Tokyo Institute of Technology), Taku Tsuchiya(Geodynamics Research Center, Ehime University), Chairperson:Noriyoshi Tsujino, Kenta Ueki

Recent observational and experimental investigations have significantly advanced our understanding of the structure and constituent materials of the deep Earth. Yet, even fundamental properties intimately linked with formation and evolution of the planet, such as details of the chemical heterogeneity in the mantle and light elements dissolved in the core, remained unclear. Seismological evidence has suggested a vigorous convection in the lower mantle, whereas geochemistry has suggested the presence of stable regions there that hold ancient chemical signatures. The amounts of radioactive isotopes that act as heat sources and drive dynamic behaviors of the deep Earth are also still largely unknown. We provide an opportunity to exchange the achievements and ideas, and encourage persons who try to elucidate these unsolved issues of the core-mantle evolution using various methods, including high-pressure and high-temperature experiments, high-precision geochemical and paleomagnetic analyses, high-resolution geophysical observations, geo-neutrino observations, and large-scale numerical simulations. Papers stimulating an interdisciplinary collaboration relating to establishment of the Japan-SEDI community are also welcomed.

10:45 AM - 11:00 AM

*Vincent Clesi1, Mohamed Ali Bouhifd2, Nathalie Bolfan-Casanova2, Geeth Manthilake2, Federica Schiavi2, Caroline Raepsaet3, Hélène Bureau4, Hicham Khodja3, Denis Andrault2 (1.Laboratoire de Geologie de Lyon - Terre, Planètes, Environnement, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, CNRS, ENS-Lyon, 69622 Villeurbanne, France., 2.Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans, Université Clermont Auvergne, CNRS UMR 6524, OPGC–IRD, Campus Universitaire des Cézeaux, 6 Avenue Blaise Pascal, 63178 Aubière Cedex, France., 3.Laboratoire d’Etude des Eléments Légers, NIMBE, CEA, CNRS, Université Paris-Saclay, CEA Saclay, 91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex, France., 4.Institut de Minéralogie et de Physique de la Matière et de Cosmochimie, Sorbonne Universités, UMR CNRS-UPMC 7590, 4 place Jussieu, 75252 Paris, France.)

11:15 AM - 11:30 AM

*Shigehiko Tateno1,2, Haruka Ozawa2,3, Kei Hirose1,4, Toshihiro Suzuki5 (1.Earth-Life Science Institute, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2.Institute for Planetary Materials, Okayama University, 3.Nuclear Science and Engineering Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, 4.Department of Earth and Planetart Science, The University of Tokyo, 5.Geochemical Research Center, The University of Tokyo)

11:45 AM - 12:00 PM

*Yuki Nishida1, Yuto Katoh1, Hiroaki Matsui2, Masaki Matsushima3, Atsushi Kumamoto1 (1.Department of Geophysics, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University, 2.Dept. of Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of California, Davis, 3.Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, School of Science, Tokyo Institute of Technology)




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