

[E] 口頭発表

セッション記号 S (固体地球科学) » S-SS 地震学

[S-SS04] New methods for seismicity characterization

2019年5月26日(日) 10:45 〜 12:15 301B (3F)

コンビーナ:Francesco Grigoli(ETH-Zurich, Swiss Seismological Service)、加藤 愛太郎(東京大学地震研究所)、青木 陽介(東京大学地震研究所)、Claudio Satriano(Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris)、座長:Francesco Grigoli(ETH-Zurich; Swiss Seismological Service)

In the last two decades the number of high quality seismic instruments being installed around the world has grown exponentially and probably will continue to grow in the coming decades. This data explosion has shown the limits of the current standard routine seismic analysis, often performed manually by seismologists. Exploiting the massive amount of data is a challenge that can be overcome by using new generation, fully automated and noise robust seismic processing techniques. In the last years waveform-based detection and location methods have grown in popularity and their application have dramatically improved seismic monitoring capability. More recently, Machine Learning techniques, which are a perfect playground for data-intensive applications, are showing promising results in seismicity characterization applications opening new horizons for the development of innovative, fully automated and noise robust seismic analysis methods. Such techniques are particularly useful when working with datasets characterised by a massive number of weak events with low signal-to-noise ratio, such as those collected in induced seismicity and volcanic monitoring operations. This session aims to bring to light new methods that can be applied to large datasets, either retro-actively or in near-real time, to characterize seismicity (i.e. detection, location, magnitude and source mechanisms estimation) at different scales and in different environments. We thus encourage contributions that demonstrate how the proposed methods helps improve our understanding of earthquake and/or volcanic processes.

11:00 〜 11:15

*Natalia Poiata1,2Kadek Hendrawan Palgunadi3Jannes Kinscher4Pascal Bernard1Francesca De Santis4Emmanuelle Klein4 (1.Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, France、2.National Institute for Earth Physics, Romania、3.King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia、4.Institut National de l’Environnement Industriel et des Risques Ineris, Nancy, France)




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