

[E] 口頭発表

セッション記号 A (大気水圏科学) » A-GE 地質環境・土壌環境

[A-GE29] エネルギ・環境・水ネクサスと持続的発展

2019年5月30日(木) 13:45 〜 15:15 301A (3F)

コンビーナ:張 銘(産業技術総合研究所地質調査総合センター地圏資源環境研究部門)、川本 健(埼玉大学大学院理工学研究科)、Jet-Chau Wen(National Yunlin University of Science and Technology)、? 永紅(天津師範大学)、座長:川本 健(埼玉大学)、温 志超(雲林科技大学)

14:35 〜 14:50

[AGE29-09] Modeling Study on the Impacts of Groundwater Pumping to Regional Hydroclimatology in 37 World Major Aquifers

*Pat J.-F. Yeh1 (1.Monash University Malaysia)

キーワード:groundwater, water budget, sea level rise, model simulations

Groundwater pumping (GWP) introduces dormant fossil waters into the active hydrologic cycle and alters the mand and atmosphere water budgets, but its effects are poorly understood due to the lack of large-scale GWP information and hydrometeorological data to estimate these changes. In this study, two sets of global-scale model simulations by a fully-coupled climate-hydrologic model, one with GWP and the other one without, are conducted for the 1900-1999 period. The effects of GWP in affecting the land and atmospheric water budgets are investigated over the selected 37 major aquifers worldwide by analyzing the output data from both sets of simulations. The entire set of the internally-consistent water budget components, includ precipitation (P), evaporation (E), runoff (R), atmospheric vapor convergence (C), and changes in land, ocean and atmosphere water storages, are analyzed, and their differences between tow simulations are considered the effects due to GWP. The contribution of GWP to global sea level rise (GSLR) as a result of the changes in the land and atmospheric water budgets is also estimated via (1) the direct R contribution from land to ocean and (2) the indirect C contribution via atmospheric interactions.