10:00 AM - 10:15 AM
[AOS20-05] Asessing the impact of the global ocean observing system using ocean data assimilation systems
Keywords:Observing System Evaluation, Ocean Data Assimilation, GODAE OceanView, Ocean Prediction, OceanObs'19
GODAE OceanView (Its follow-on program “Oceanpredict” will take over the activity from May 2019) has established the Observing System Evaluation Task Team (OS-Eval TT) since the program was started, promotes data-impact assessments and information sharing for that, and builds up international collaboration for the relevant activities. These activities are also supported by CLIVAR Global Synthesis and Observation panel (GSOP). Operational centers, such as JMA and ECMWF, and research institutes, such as JAMSTEC and Scripps Institution of Oceanography, conducted observing system evaluation studies for various observations such as Argo, TAO-TRITON, and satellite altimetry under these supports. Those results are exploited in the evaluation of the TAO-TRIRON array for its reconstruction for example, but they have a limitation due to its system dependency and the importance of multi-system evaluation with common metrics is indicated. Achievements and resent challenges of observing system evaluation studies are summarized in a community white paper for OceanObs’19. This presentation will introduce some achievements of observing system evaluation studies and show a future perspective on this field.